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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia.
Washington, May 25th, 1868

J. M. Brown D.O

Dear Sir;

Please have the quarters recently occupied by Mr. Emory at Campbell Hospital, and consisting of two rooms, altered and put in order as follows. The partition between the rooms to be moved to the west wall of the west room and repaired so as to make a double partition between the guarters next west and and those under consideration, and to make one large room of the two. 

The plastering on outer walls is broken and should be repaired and the whole room scraped and marked with the blue tint used at these H'd Q's. 

Stuart Eldridge
In absence of Ass't Com'r

L. B. 4. No. 649

Transcription Notes:
Edited: J. M. Brown not J. W., Stuart Eldridge not Mark Randy, others, etc.