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  In such a thought, as I shall later indicate, there is no essence of the real situation, if made as a statement of historical facts.  Pershing's war plans neither depended nor counted upon any American built planes of any type being on the western front by February, 1918; the anticipation was for July 1st, 1918.

  Thousands of patriotic Americans, aided by intelligent and experienced British, French and Italian advice, faithfully, intelligently and self-sacrificingly contributed to America's progress of wartime aeronautical accomplishments.  For it all, much of the post-war literature that has appeared, contains neither recognition nor commendation.  The authors can find only faults.  The reward they offer for honorable and faithful service to their country by our countrymen, is "snarling criticism, fault-finding complaints, and destructive vituperation".  In such words, did Congressman Clarence F. Lea, of California, report, on February 16, 1920, at the close of America's Congressional investigation into wartime expenditures.

  Every interested American would do well to read Part 2 of the House Report No. 637, 66th Congress, Second Session.  This document, written by Congressman Lea, is the only accurate and truthful Congressional document, which I know of, devoted to this subject.  In compiling this document, Mr. Lea stated that he was attempting to set forth the truth of what actually did happen, not that he believed Americans of that day would pay any attention to the truth but that some day in the future, America might need to know, and perhaps utilize, the truth as to what really did occur.  Mr. Lea, at that time, very wisely remarked that probably twenty years would elapse before Americans would dispassionately be interested in the truth of this situation.  This prediction, perhaps because of the troublesome situation in World affairs, is seemingly now coming true, for, today, there is more interest in this House Report than there was on even the day it was originally submitted.

  No less a world character than David Lloyd George, has proven the undesirability of writing upon subjects of which one is not capable of forming constructive judgment based upon a mature consideration of accurate information. In volume 5 of his War Memoirs, after devoting a whole chapter to unwarranted criticism of America and especially to unmerited, unjust and inaccurate, and, in some cases vindicative and hopelessly false criticisms of General Pershing, David Lloyd George concludes Chapter 11 with a number of absolutely erroneous sentences,
