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The Savoy
Chas. D. Watson, Proprietor
Modern in Every Respect
North Sixth Street
Between Austin and Washington Sts.

Waco, Texas Sunday 22 1918

My Darling -
Sunday P.M. and am still O.K. and trying to figure what in the world [[strikethrough]] to figure [[/strikethrough]] to get you or any one else for Xmas. its a hard proposition. 

It seems now girlie as tho I was going to have to be here for Xmas. They know that I am back and they have work for me to do and if I should leave now I know that I would not get payed  - if I stay until the end I will get my transportation back and 300 lbs off of the Buick if I freight it and then too if I leave now it would have to be on either

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