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The Saboy
Chas D. Watson, Proprietor
Modern in Every Respect 
North Sixth Street
Between Austin and Washington Sts. 
Waco, Texas, __________________1918

I have not sold the B. yet and think I will bring it over to Ranger where they have hit oil and are crazy for camp. the bottom has dropped out here and no chance without loosing a lot of money. 
On the way home I am going to stop at Tusla where there is a private school and friend of mine running it. I have not heard from Lawrence. sent him a telegram too so if I can get in at Tulsa the hell with Lawrence. 
I was at a dance with Wenina [[?]] last night. My in at the Rahigh [[?]]Hotel. had a nice time too. 
Orders have come to close the field all but 11 off and 200 enlisted men.