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The Saboy
Chas. D. Watson, Proprietor
Modern in Every Respect
North Sixth Street 
Between Austin and Washington Sts.

Waco, Texas 1918

No guess old Rich Field is doomed. Don Crump is going to Washington in a few days and seems certain he will put something big on and promise me a good  jol- hope he does eh clear? 
I am going to send you a wire tonight to make up for the letters I have not sent. Have been awfully busy as you can imagine the last minute stuff. and kept thinking I would be out if have been please forgive me. 
Glad Slema did not take mail at 2000 the Dan is on at 3600
I took out life plus and health & acid with Taylor the other day.Life 2500 with NorthWestern is Health and acid with man In and Bond Co. w benefit plan Well Bak darling take good care our