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Excellent Café
Good Service
Popular Prices

300 Rooms European Plan
Rates $1 50 per day and upward
Hotel Tulsa
W. N. Robinson 

Handsom Billiard and Pool Parlors

Third and Cincinnati Sts
Tulsa. Oklahoma
Monday Feb  6.,19.

Dear [[Bale?]]- 
Just finished your letter and along with the Wonderful weather of yesterday in Oklahoma City and today in Tulsa I feel just fine. It is more like spring than spring itself. This is a fair Hotel but poorly run and bad service and I think I will go to some other one but keep writing me here. 

Met Brune this am in the lobby but when I called at Brookins office I found that he is in Ft. Worth  on oil business but is expected home tomorrow or the next day things seem just as uncertain here as

FEB 16, 1919

worth Co.

MAN AND WIFE—Want two or thr
nished rooms for light houseke
private family: give full particulars.
swer M-19, care World.

A FURNISHED—Or unfurnished apa
ment. What have you now or in nea
future? Call 6914.

FIVE OR SIX-ROOM—Furnished house or
flat by March 1st. Adults except boy
3 years old, city broke will not
gnaw varnish  off furniture. Call 6002 after 1 o'clock.

WANT TO BUY—Direct from owner, five

Transcription Notes:
A torn out piece of paper on the side is transcribed at the bottom.