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Excellent Café
Good service
Popular Prices

Hotel Tulsa

Handsome billiard and Pool parlors

300 Rooms European plan
Rates $1.50 per day and upward

Hotel Tulsa W.N. Robinson Owner
Third and Cincinnati StS
 Tulsa Oklahoma.

and I am going to wait for him. 
Went out to the field yesterday and the machine is nearly ready guess it will be flying by Wed or Thurs- 
Went down and saw Barnetts last night and am going to supper at their house tonight They had big news for me Mr.+ Mrs. and Al.B. are going to N.Y going on to Broadway with Ray. Hitchcock. I will send you a clipping - here
I have it with me and will enclose it
Rec'd a wire from Laurence yesterday P.M. wants me to come and fly for[[Lipomer?]] there on  Fri. Told him if he'd pay expenses both ways I would see him Sunday in Chgo.