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LAY your smoketaste flush up against the listening post - and you'll get the Prince Albert call, all right! You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every puff you'll wish you had been born twins!
Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man a pipe or a home made cigarette - or, any man wants some inside smoke news! P.A. is simply ation - because it has the quality!
righ behind this quality flavor and quality fra is prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch
cut out by our exclusive patented process. We
to smoke your fill at any clip - jimmy pipe or
cigarette - without a comeback

everywhere tobacco is sold. Toppy red bage, tidy red tins, handsome 
tin humidors-and-that clever, practical pound crystal glass
moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition

ordinance; and there is also levied an assessed against said property such an amount as shall be necessary to pay reasonable attorney's fees, where there shall have been default in the payment of said tax bills, or any of them, and attorneys fees have been incurred in the making of the collection, or any part thereof, together with costs and reasonable expenses of collection. Default in the payment of any installment or any part thereof, or interest thereon, may at the option of the holder of the tax bills, mature all installments thereof for all purposes without notice, and upon such default suit may be commenced at once by the holder of the tax bill, either in his own name or in the name of the city, to recover judgment for the entire principal, accrued interest, attorneys fees and costs, and for the sale of the property to satisfy the same, or upon default said amounts may be certified to the County Treasurer of Tulsa county and enforced and collected as are other delinquent taxes in the City of Tulsa Oklahoma. Provided, however, that the owner of said property, his heirs, successors, or assigns, shall have the privilege of discharging the whole amount assessed against said property or any installment thereof, upon the payment to the proper officer of the city at any time before maturity of the unpaid principal with accrued interest. 
Section 5. That the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, be, and he herby is directed to mail to each person owing each installment of such assessments, a notice in writing stating the amount owing by such person of such annual installment and interest then due, an that unless the same shall be promply paid when due, the statutory penalty will be added and proceeding take according to law for the collection of the same. 
Section 6/ That the passage by the Board of Commissioners of this Ordinance, finally assessing against the property herin described its proportionate share of the cost of the improvements, according to the benefits derived therefrom, and making and fixing a lien upon the property as herein set out, shall operate as notice of such assessments and lien against the creditors of the owners of such property, and the purchaser there nd the lien hereby fixed shall be... against all such owners creditors … purchasers/
Section 7... ordinances and parts of or … conflict with the provisions... in so far as such … and the same hereby …
Section … exists for the ... public peace halth... urtherance... where of... from a ... public...

drawn from a point on the east line of said lot 16.94 feet north of the southeast corner therof to a point on the south line of said lot 5.7 feed west of the southeast corner thereof...
Section 2. That there is herby apportioned to, charged, levied, and assessed against the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad company and against its road bed, railroad, ties, rails, fixtures, right and franchises, a special tax to pay the portion of the cost of paving and other improvements in said Street Improvement district No 180, charged against the St. Loud and San Francisco Railroad company, in the sum of $2,006.48.
Section 3. That the assessments hereby levied against the above described lots, tracts of land and other property liable to assessment, shall bear interest from the date of the passage of this ordinance a the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and both principal and interest are hereby declared to be a debt against the owners thereof, and are a lien upon such property to the same extent as other taxes. 
Section 4. That the assessments hereby levied against the above described lots, tracts of land and other property liable to assessment, shall be payable in ten equal installments, the first of such installments with interest to that date on the first day of February 1919 and one installment thereof with interest on the whole amount remaining unpaid to that date, shall be payable on the first day of February each of the years 1920,to 1928, inclusive; and the mayor and city auditor are hereby authorized and ordered to issue and deliver to the contractor assignable tax bills for said assessments and interest as herin provided, with installment coupons thereto attached for the amounts maturing each year, said amounts to become due and payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the first day of February each of the years 1919 to 1928, inclusive and said tax bills to be dated the date of the passage of this