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to see George I should find it necessary to curtail my visit to just a few hours when I so much wanted two or three days. So it seemed as tho- I didn't know how to make the most of the very limited time.

Nevertheless,I was very glad of the opportunity to meet you and the others- and I found it a very pleasant place to be and I really enjoyed the house and every member in it. 

How nice it is that you see all the fine things about George then of course you don't thing it strange when I say that all your opinions of him agree with mine exactly but knowing myself as well as I do. I wonder how he can be such a wonderful fellow and people who first know me wonder the same thing I guess- but people who really know his mother don't wonder at all about it and of course knowing her, I knew he has every reason to be a good fellow. In fact I feel that he couldn't be otherwise. Should he develop any weak.