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[3]     [May 20, 1917]

spots - blame me - but credit all his smartness to his mother she deserves it. 

Now there's one thing I want to ask you at this time to try and do, that is to urge George and your brothers to become masons, and never regret the time that they put into real study of masonry. Not that there are no good men out of masonry nor that every mason is all that he ought to be - but every mason must be a better man because of its teachings than he would be without it. It's principles are such as tend to make better sons, brothers, fathers, husbands and loyal citizens. Geo. will be that kind of man who would honor masonry and would grace the Master's Chair and I would be supremely happy if he or one or all of my boys should aspire to that high honor and should find time to prepare themselves for such in office.