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Mon. 8/20/19

Dear Hattie

Seems impossible that your good letter was written as long ago as the 8th inst altho' I am conscious of many mornings having intervened when I've gone to the office early & with the intention of answering that letter and to say especially that it was the first real information containing any enlightening facts and so much assurance that it gave me the first relief since that telegram of July 5th announcing the "invasion" of the hospital - signed Buck - which for a few minutes I could not quite comprehend.

Since that & until until yours of the 8th I've been very apprehensive and of course since that I've been out of patience with any physician who would postpone for one hour - operation for apendicitis which was so pronounced (apparently) and so advanced - "Dem the cuss" -

I must agree that either one may be responsible in a way for his now being alive - nevertheless had he croaked - either could be charged with criminal neglect.

I really appreciate all the thought and consideration which your good mother and yourself and others of your folks have given him not to mention the effort and time given up in his behalf. I sincerely hope I may I may prove it all in some good way but not have occasion to demonstrate it under any such trying circumstances. We rec'd a letter from Geo. today - said you were planning to go with him to Sh'psh'd Sat to see C. Stinson.

Tell Geo. to come on and explain his reference to the $ scare of mine. Don't know what I said to give him that idee.