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Well! She called on phone while we were at the table this eve - told me how she had missed reaching there - some trouble with engine en route from Albany etc - she was awful????? for it all - also not [[?]] seen Geo- 
inquired very earnestly re - his condition & [[?]] sincere hope for his speedy recovery & glad to hear of improvements.

She intended leaving at 8 o'clock for Buffalo and will return latter post of week[[???]].

Now I don't want to forget. So well daughters that if seemed perfectly natural that I should have implicit confidence in you to the extent of asking anything while I could reasonably [[?]] on you in George's behalf for you remember I had the pleasure of a day in your home and the everything you have done and written had made it perfectly plain that you were the kind to be given every confidence.

I appreciate your sending me the picture too. Even if the boys did try to "josh" you a little. They know it is good and while I like the other very much I also like this one - your lip looks a little swollen - I wondered if it was a cold sore or if your mother had bitten it a little. 

Now ma has just [[ret'd?]] with Bob from the movies and had to tell me a whole play so its late-

Yes were all alike in some things just like the girls - they're all alike- in some things- then theyre different again just like us - in some things don't you see?

Yes [[?]] must get used to the lecture-give it him it would do any harm. He will learn to like that too- some day he'd give $5.00 to have his Dad around just to hear one of these again- Wish we might see the folks Sincerely [[?]]

Mother says as soon as gets her hand in again on the T.W. she will send you one on the machine.

Transcription Notes:
The text written vertically on the page is transcribed at the bottom.