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well as you long for consolation just be aware that I am offering it in unlimited portion. How we wished you might have been here last Sunday.
Mainun & Bob came in from the movies and we have had another round with the turkey and it is rather late & I'm waiting for Herb to blow in from the North side where he spent last eve with an old chum to spend the day.
Was very much amused at your comment on Ted's injury & suffering- over loss of the game as Herb had just been telling of his experience when I ret'd and his mother was urging him to try and tell how he felt as he was completely knocked out with a blow on his neck - but he told me instead about the love of the game.
The pictures are good two of them more so - We thank you for sending them so you enjoy the knitting - thats fine - Geo is surely proud of the helmet - his ma has not been able to sleep in and you can easily imagine why when you think 6 people to feed and 9 or ten big rooms & she has been making herself a suit and coat and ending up by making a fur collar for Herb's current etc etc which indicates she must become better but seems to me the eye strain is just as bad as tho she had to carry a ton of coal every minute.
Phil is expecting a jab at one of the stock yard and plants tomorrow - and by the way congratulations on your increase in the pay envelope that was very nice and I'm glad for you.
Goodnight and our very best wishes
Sincerely C. Y. Weaver

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