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7134 Harvard Ave
12/25 [1917]

Dear Hattie
Do not wonder why you did not hear from us by card, letter or otherwise. It hasn't any misterious significance whatever. George's mother planned for you to have one of her boxes of famous candy - famous to us and our friends who can eat it, but she was unfortunate enough to have to be in bed several days with one of her terrific headache attacks which of course spoiled most of her plans. 
However she climbed out this A.M. and prepared the finest goose dinner we ever ate and I hope she may be fortunate enough to escape another for some time and she says the box of candy will be forthcoming soon as possible.
Herb rec'd a letter this am from Geo. and a Christmas teleg. came from him also today.
We received your card of Christmas greetings & good cheer

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