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Mon. nite 5-19-19

My Dear Hattie
Sitting on the eves of the same old bed - Bob confined and quarantined with chicken pox - found sign on the door when I came back from Memphis - Sat. evening I called on Wards with the tkt and after a long hunt for the pictures and no results -  finally scratched his head and said why Mrs. Brittain came in and said Mrs Weaver sent her for those pictures - I said I think not as she left the tkt with me when she left - He then went to the rear room & bro't out the cards - which he had prepared for window & said is this the baby - I said yes - Well I gave those to Mrs. B and we were all mystified when I came home & announced the news. Tonight after reading your good letter - I donned my

Transcription Notes:
Edited: changed and corrected some words, changed + (plus) to & (and), etc.