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ạhạl, (?)
[strikethrough](h)[/strikethrough] ohimạhạ'ltoha', they asked him for it (71)
[strikethrough](h)[/strikethrough]ohimạha'lapin, they asked him for some for a while (71)
imạhạ'ltoha', he asked him (75)
imaha'lon, he asked him (75)
ohe³maha'lon, they asked them for (83)
ä'hä, to ask little (H)
ahah'lo, beseech (H) ^[[---- to ask for one]]   
^[[asî'lha, to ask (K)]] 
ahal'ka, beg, supplication, prayer (H) ^[[(to ask for a lot)]]
ahal'ko, unask (H) 
ahal'lo, to ask, ask, to beg, beggar, beggarly (H)
aha'lo, ask, beg (H)
imạhalo'djok, he asked them (03)
iltimahā'lōtcin, she came and asked him (045)
imạhalo'tcok, he asked her (046)
imahalō'tcā'pīn, he asked for her (of his wife) (053)
ạha'lotcistoho'n, she asked about (0114)
^[[asî'lha asaiẋgȧn, to ask for a lot (K)]]
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ȧhā'sutchi, place (H)
imahasutch^[[ | ]]ikso, placeless (H)
^[[pȧlā'na pȧtha', a place (K)]]
^[["   "   [[ditto for: pȧlā'na pȧtha']] îkso (K)]]
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41 ^[[-1]]
^[[ahissi (probably from hisi, leaf)]]
ahî's^[[î]]lạks^[[c]]ā' Pussy-toes, [[underline]]Antennaria[[/underline]], (a medicine, but exact use not learned)  ^[[ "medicine tasting bad" (A) ]]
^[[ahîsî būcō'ẋka,-----(K)]]
^[[aî'ssî [[handwritten under ahî]]]]
 ^[[see hisi]]  im aisshihma, remedy (H)
ahis'si, medicine (H)
aissih kanobanna, contain no poison (H)  ^[[medicine wholly  good ]] ^[["all med good"]]
aisshi, medical (H)
aissiyahli, aissiyamami, medically (H) ^[[ahîsîyamāmî, "just like medicine" (A+K)]]
im aisshima, medicament (H) ^[[its his medicine (A,K)]]
ima^[[h]]i'sshok omὸ'lo, medicable (H), ^[[he knows thats' his medicine]]
imaisshimamami, medicamental (H) ^[[,just like his medicine]]
aisshih, medicine (H) 
aiaissih ishtalikchi, medicate (H) ^[[ahî'sî îctalî'ktci  he makes med. to doctor with (A,K)]]
im aisshima, medication (H)
im aisshi mallihchih, medicative (H)
aisshih toba, medicinal (H) ^[[ahîsî toba, to make medicine]]
aisshih toba yallihchi, medicinally (H)  
^[[that is for a medicine (A,K)]]
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42 ^[[-2]]
ahîs^[[î]]^[[ | ]]tạq^[[ạ]]ba',[[strikethrough]"[[/strikethrough]] red roots (a plant so called) used to rub on sores, etc.)
aissih alchiha, feather-few, feaver-few (H) ^[[ahîsî ȧltciha, "medicine that is planted" (A)]]
ohimahisayü'ptcōn, they made medicine for him for a while (020)

^[[" [[ditto for: ahîsî]] atcî'ẋka, " " " " [[dittos for: "medicine that is planted"]] (K)]]
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ah'yo, present regularly (H) (perhaps from a- and o ?)
                                        ^[[or aya]]
^[[? ōhīya (K)]]
^[[oīha (A)]]