Viewing page 170 of 200

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303 ^[[-1]]
^[[perhaps same as aya]]
ah'ia, near the border (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
ayạkhā'sạn, close to (river) (5)
ai'a, coast line, end (H)
ai'ya, coast, edge, border (H)
aiák'ha, near by (H) ^[[(+K)]]
aiak'ho, nearness (H)
aiã'si, coast, border, end of it (as cloth) (H) ^[[(+K)]]
aia'so, that which is near coast, border, end of it (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ima'ia, edging, borders of it, to visit from time to time (H)
ita'ia, a border of the woods, one side forest and one side plain (H)   ^[[îto .aiile' (K)]]
ilt aia, [[[strikethrough]] passing by[[/strikethrough]] in the end (H)  ^[[ī'taiá (K)]]
il ta'ia, right this end, that which the end (H)
aiȧ'khȧsi, approach (H) ^[[(+K)]]
aiȧ'khachoh, to approach (H) ^[[(+K)]]
aiakhachimā'llu,^[[lu-?]] to cause to approach (H) ^[[(+K)][]
mat aiakhachi tuhun, approaching within (H) ^[[mat ayȧkhā'tcî (K)]]
i'toya'khā'sûn, near each other (0100)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
304 ^[[-2]]
^[[2113 (?)]]
okayā'khā'con, close to the water (30)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
a^[[‿]]yạ'x̣anạbi', iron wood    ^[[hō'tcunai'ahê (K)]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
ayi'bi, pertaining to, belonging to; hawk ^[[îmaiȧtcê' + potcufe']]; [[underline]]to killed at (H)[[/underline]] ^[[under ibi]]
^[[ (perhaps from ibi, reflexive)]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
^[[(see aiyipe)]]
^[[ōkfa' (K)]]
ayi'pi, a pound ^[[pond?]] (H)
aye'pi', pond (163)
a'yebifûn, on a pond (0105)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
î'mai'yŭchih, overcome (H) ^[[(+K)]]
aia^[[‿]]imaiyuchih fa, to overcome at (H) ^[[(+K)]]
imaye'djitoha', it beat them (010)
imaiyā'djitoha', he beat him (063)
itimayê'sbạ'natoha', wanted to wager against each other (092)
tcimāyā'latolo'`, I will beat you (092)
(a)mạtciya'bokolo', you will not beat me(092)
tcimayelo', I beat you (093)
imayạ'sbạna'yok, he wants to beat him (093)
i'timayêsbạ'nok, he wanted to beat (in running) (094)
tcimaya'latolo'’ , I will beat you (094)
amatcī'yabokolo'’ , you will not beat me (094)

Transcription Notes:
*some handwriting is not marked - added