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bȧnnā'ssih, love (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bankossih, to cause not to love (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ittibunna, to love each other (H) ^[[(+K)]]
Godka fa bunna, Love of God (H) ^[[Go'dka îmayûkfa (K)]]
cha banko be, I do not like (H) ^[[--- tcȧbȧ'nkōs (K)]]
ạma'kạs bạ'na, wanted to go to their mother (09)
tcạbạ'ñgobe, I don't want at all (014)
subaicbạ'nāpīn, he wanted to know for a long time (019)
osoba'ic-bạ'nok, they wanted to know (023)
icicbạnạdi'k, he wanted to get him (024)
tcibạna', what do you want? (043)
tcạbạno', I want (043)
yōn bạna'`tco o'ñgạtoha', (he said) he wanted that he said (?) (082)
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okimbā'nạ, all over the water (0129)
o'kî bā'nạt, all over water (21)
ma'miba'nạt, it was like that always or everywhere and (40)
tokbeba'nạfō'gon, when fog was everywhere (66)
[[strikethrough]]itạbạñga'djin, lots of (crossings) (68) ^[[hin ola'k  precedes]] [[/strikethrough]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]] pana (ēsa bȧnan, top of house (76)[[/strikethrough]] ]]
ikhē'tcoba'nōton, he never saw before (141)
ba'na, all way, always (H)
^[[?---]]isht chufankushi banna, withal (H)
[[strikethrough]]? ishtim paia bunaka, back-band (of horse) (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]? abanallih, to put across (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]ubanaplih, to go over (H) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]ubanaplihti, went over (H)[[/strikethrough]]
i'to hi'ci ba'no, it was all (or only) leaves (015)
ē'bibā'nạt, each killed (something) (022)
tcûfkonebā'nạtoha', he was just bones (023)
ạkạmi'tciba'nạt, all around that way (0132)
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bana'na, banana (H)
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ban'ia, to show on flesh which striking by whip; ^[[welt,]] a bump (H)
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^[[English word]]
bancho, banjo (H)
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bạ'ntạ, garfish
ban'ta, a black fish, a buffalo fish (H)  buntah (H)  ^[[nîtobê' (K)]]
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^[[hīłê, seed (K)]]
bao'na, a semen (H)