Viewing page 180 of 200

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bas'hi, to starve, famish (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
bas'ho, starved (H)
bas'ia, having starved, starvation (H)  ^[[basī'ma (K)]]
bus'-sih, starve (H)
nassi sahtik bussit illi, to starve anything to death (H) ^[[nā'sî sȧntîk bȧsîtîl (K)]]
nas ilpak im iksot bussih, [[circled]]to cause[[/circled]] ^[[I have]] nothing to eat or food (H) ^[[(+K)]]
cha bussoh, I am starved (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
bussihchih, he starved (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
ho bussihchih, they starved (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
basi'tcia'letcotok, he became weak (with walking?) (077)
bạ'sitoha, he became weak (077)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
bạske', long  ^[[(+K)]]
bas'ki, long, length (H)
bas'ko, becoming long (H)
buski, long (H)
buskit [[underlined]]famusta,[[/underlined]] long and [[circled]]slender[[/circled]] ^[[straight]] (H) ^[[lamȧtkî' (K)]]
bussiko, not long (H) ^[[kobaksê' (K)]]
buskit ishtalpissah, long enough (H) ^[[bȧskît îctȧlpī'sa (K)]]
ma bŭski, longer (H)
ishtin^[[‿]]bŭ'ski fe'h^[[e]]na, longest (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[?]]bas'ti, to burst (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
bā'cha, a fish like a trout (H) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[French: belle dame]]
^[[grindle ?   [[strikethrough]] mudfish ? [[/strikethrough]] ]]
^[[(or) grinnel ? [[strikethrough]] chupik [[/strikethrough]] ]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ba'³tci, place
i'fạ ba'³tci, dog place (67)
tayē'ha ba'³tci, girls' place
[[strikethrough]]itibatcạslē'tcok, they put end to end (156)[[/strikethrough]]
abatchi, [[circled]]sign[[/circled]] (H) ? ^[[raft  (+K)]]
ma tunabatchi, signal (H)  ^[[mȧtaketcî (K)]]
? ishtitibajusaka, horsey (H) ^[[, to put a new piece on the end (+K)]]
at tcûfkoni ba'`tcûn, peoples' bones in that place (0100)
^[[tcû'fkonî na'nȧ'tcî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
369 ^[[-1]]
bạ'tcạlît, having tied them (23)
bachȧ'fa, a ^[[to]] weav[[strikethrough]]ing[[/strikethrough]]^[[e]] on; on or upon the weaving (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bȧcha'ka, braid ribbon (H) ^[[îsbȧ'tcaka (K)]]
bach'ia, a silver trinket use in front of hair (H)  ^[[îstā'boka (K)]]
bacha'ko, not corded a hair, loose hair without braid (H)
bȧchā'li, to dress in braid, ribbon (H)
bacha'lo, having to dress a braid, ribbon (H)
bȧchā'ya, to corded hair with braid or ribbon (H) ^[[hair-ribbon   hair-fixing]]
ȧppā'tchi, key (H)  ^[[îstî wȧpka' (K)]]
im ba'cha, to braid on hair (H)
pȧlki [[macron below "i"]]^[[‿]]hê'nni î'shtitibȧtchŭshā'ka, fish-joint(H) ^[[joining together [[ron?]]broad (+K)]]
ȧt imbatchā'lli, hairdresser (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ittibatchasalli, fixedness (H) ^[[chained together (+K)]]
itibatcạslē'tcok, they put end to end [[strikethrough]](H[[/strikethrough]] (156)