Viewing page 181 of 200

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370 ^[[-2]]
alba'cho, to gird on (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
^[[?-]] albā'sa, to poling, to sticking on as a vine to climb (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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371 ^[[-3]]
î'stîmî'lbātca', tied around
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372 ^[[-4]]
îtî'-bạtcạsā'gạ, wrist^[[, joint   (+K)]]
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bāch'ka, a noise something to break or fall, as a tree (H) ^[[ō'bȧktcuspê' (K)]]
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374 ^[[-1]]
^[[see bȧtep (sing.)]]
^[[c.f. bạtep]]
^[[bạt, (pl.)]]
bạt'lî', whip
hobạ'ttoha, they whipped him (83)
[[strikethrough]]i'tạpācō'n, switches[[/strikethrough]]
bạtistoba'pok, they whipped him much for a while (83)
bat'ka, to drive, to beat, to whip, to knock, to force (H)
bat'ko, not to drive, beat, whip, knock, force (H)
bȧt'li, driving whipping, beaten, knocking (H) ^[[whip!]]
bat'lo, beating, whipping, to knocked (H)
bat'ti, state that which beaten, knocked (H)
isht bȧ'tka, whip ^[[îsloñka' (K)]]
isht bȧtka hattanuffa, whip lash (H) ^[[____ [[ditto for: îsloñka']] holtȧno' (K)]]
chitchuba isht batka, quirt, or riding whip (H) ^[[tcō'ba îsloñka (K)]]
batli, to whip (H)
batlitti, batli, whipping (H)
nas isht batka, a whip (H) ^[[anything whipped    nasîᵋ îsl'oñkaᵋ]]
welikan batlih, to whip while running (H) ^[[wȧle'kȧn bokolîtcî (K)]]
bukki isht batka, buggy whip (H)
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375 ^[[-2]]
pokkon buttullit achon mallichi, to strike a ball outside the lines (H) ^[[pō'kon bō'kolî ā'tcûn atȧpē'lî (K)]]
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376 ^[[-3]]
^[[cf. 229 +317]]
^[[îtî]]s[[strikethrough]i[[/strikethrough]]bạ'tka', maul
^[[([[strikethrough]]tîs[[/strikethrough]]bạtk', mattress)  (+K)]]
^[[î'tos bo'kaᵋ (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*some handwriting not marked - added *some diacritics missing - added