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^[[again + again repeatedly, "used to]]
hoknō'sotok ilabē'gạt, [[strikethrough]]an old woman[[/strikethrough]] old women came (83)
i'stạsạlega'+bē'gạtoha, he came out with it was that way some (139)
istisa'bika'toha, he stayed and built (150)
ạmamaka'bē'gạn, (anyone) went there (150)
[[strikethrough]]ishobitle'bē'gạtoha, they learned from them (154)[[/strikethrough]]
i'lạbē'gạt, they came to the water (154)
ishobitle'bē'gạtoha', they [[strikethrough]]learned from[[/strikethrough]] ^[[learned with]] them (154) ^[[again + again]]
iksobe', there is nothing at all (015)
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bi'ka, causing again and again, out and out (H)
bi'ko, that which causing again and again, out and out (H)
ibbishnoshi bikon hopihlih, to take apart (H) ^[[bî'kûn îbîsnō'sa hopî'łka (K)]]
mah^[[a]]mi bikka, apart each way (H) ^[[same [[knit/kind?]] ma'mi bī'ka (K)]]
mahmi bika, part (H)
ittiloni ^[[or u]] bikon, ^[[itilaue bī'kon (A)  îtȧ'lpîca (K)]] ittakusupka bika ^[[tȧkasȧ'pka (K)]], equal part (H)
[[end page]]
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bi'a, beer (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
abi'a, a something become a beer; a place to make beer (H
[[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]] im bi'ya, pertaining to beer, ale, malt (H)
[[end page]]
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bi^[[‿]]ạ'^[[k]]qᵋka, hawk
biak'ka, chicken hawk (H)
biaka  ^[[biakah]], large hen hawk (H)
^[[big red-tailed hawk is called hȧtci homa']]
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387 ^[[-1]]
bi'fî', causing hair to come off, ^[[to pull the hair out]], to scab off (H) 
abif'fi, causing the hair scab on something (H)
abif'fo, p. causing the hair scabbed on something (H)
abif'ka, to become scabs the hair off to (H)
abi'fi, any animals hair off to; hair off something to (H)
abi'fo, state that which haired off something to (H)
bif'fi, to act hair pulls off itself (H)
bif'ia, a something ruin the hair (H) ^[[pull the hair out!]]
bif'ka, state that become hair off (H)
bif'ko, becoming the hair come off (H)
bif'ti, that does the hair become hair comes off (H)
bih'fi, state that what makes the hair comes off (H)
im bi'fa, causing to act shading (shaving) off the hair (H)
im bi'fi, causing to shaving off from (H) ^[[to pull ^another one's hair out]]
im bi'fo, state that which does act to shaving off their (hair (H)
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388 ^[[-2]]
bi^[[o]]kā'fa, shading off hair ^[[to pull meat off with hair]], falling hair (H)
hî'ssin bi^[[o]]kŭ'ffi, to take ^[[pull]] the hair off ^[[along with the meat]] (H) ^[[hîsîn cutcȧfê' (K)]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
^[[bifit,       (+K)]]
biffitlî', fume (H) ^[[a quick scent, a whiff]]
bivitliok, as the fumes (H)
bivitlik hloppotlichossih, fumigation thoroughly (H)
^[[łopō'tlitcosi (going thru every thing)]]