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390 ^[[-1]]
^[[bihi (c.)]]
behe', gun      bihe, firearm (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
behe' î'ktobêhê, bow (for shooting)
behe' kobokce', pistol
bi^[[e]]'hi^[[e]], gun, bow, firearm (H)
bihi ŭpittat tukah katchi, ammunition ^[[gun load + shoot]] or cartridges (H) ^[[behe' abihî'lo cû'ẋtcȧ' (K)]]
behi, gun (H)
behi bisnak tukali, automatic gun (H) ^[[întokohî'lka asaika' (K)]]
biheh bahna pihla, gunboat (H) ^[[behe' bȧna pełka (K)]]
biheh chubba intunotli, gun-carriage (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nihlā'ilosi opiassi akahmin bihe tukahlih, gun fire (H) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[early morning + late evening gun are shot off]]
oksala biheh, gun-flint (H) ^[[cû'tcalas be'he (K)]]
biheh ishtaya, ^[[carrying]] biheh-eiahli, ^[[carrying]] bihe ati, gunner (H) ^[[(+K)]]
biheh ishtibiya, gunning (H) ^[[be'he [[?]] îctē'bek (gunning (K)]]
[[strikethrough]]pusshi lutcha[[/strikethrough]] bihimpû'sshi, gunpowder (H) ^[[îstoẋtcê' (K)]]
biheh hlahi, biheh hlahi toya, ^[[behe łaîtō'k (K)]] gun shot (H) ^[[be'he înłȧkê' (K)]]
biheh talibū'li, gun-smith (H) ^[[(+K)]]
biheh imitto, behe îshtilitî'hlka', gun-stock (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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391 ^[[-2]]
bê'he' tuko'fka ła^[[‿]]ge', gun-ball
be'he' tco'ba, piece of artillery
biheh iskunakatchi, gun tackle (H) ^[[be'he îstîñkōnolê' (K)]]
^[[little gun]] behossih [[underlined]]intukahli,[[/underlined]] ^[[to shoot]] a blank cap (H) ^[[întokōẋka' (K)]]
behi [[macron below "i"]] hatchali chuffa, half-cock (H) ^[[(+K)]]
im bi'hi, belonging to gun, bow, cannon, [[circled]]mulberry,[[/circled]] etc. (H)
im bi'ho, indicating that which to gun, [[circled]]mulberry,[[/circled]] etc. (H)
^[[see next card]]
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[[start page]]
392 ^[[-1]]
behe' tcuba', ^[[îlpa']] fig ^[[, "big gun-? one can eat" "eatable big gun" = fig]] 
^[[?-]] bi'hi, mulberry (H)
im bi'hi, [[circled]]belonging to gun, bow, cannon,[[/circled]] mulberry, etc. (H)
im bi'ho, [[circled]]indicating that which to gun,[[/circled]] mulberry, etc. (H) ^[[see last card]]
bihi ^[[fig]] chuba solotka, ^[[dried]] date (H)
^[[ [[strikethrough]]behe'[[/strikethrough]] bihala', mulberry (A + K)]]
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393 ^[[-2]]
bihạla', mulberry
biha'la, a young mulberry tree; a white mulberry (H)
[[end page]]

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^[[cf. be]]
^[[?-]] bik'ni, excite (H)

Transcription Notes:
* needs page breaks and all pencil notes added - added * needs all diacritic marks - find the page for the appropriate diacritic on wikipedia and copy-paste from their examples list. For "dot-below-x", use χ For barred-l, use ł - added