Viewing page 185 of 200

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imbi'knohạ'kok, his oldest brother's (150)
bik'na, at the front (H)
bik'^[[ạ]]no', before, front, afore (H)
bigno, nas bigno, face of anything or front (H) ^[[(False)  bî'ko (K)]]
bignoyan, fate (H)
bignoyan, afore (H) ^[[, the front of one]]
biknoyan hā'lutchih, aforehand (H) ^[[(+K)]] ^[[I will let him know]]
biknoyan ho^[[l]]chiffa, aforenamed (H) ^[[(+K)]]   ^[[1st name]]
biknoyan immonkatchih, aforementioned (H) ^[[bîko îstîmonka (K)]]
biknoyan monka, aforesaid (H)  ^[[bî'ko āła îmȧ'ñks (K)]]
biknoyan chinfatliliti, I have told you aforehand (H) ^[[bîko iyā'tcî imȧ'nkalîto (K)]]
biknoyan immuffatlitchili, I give it aforementioned (H) ^[[I talk over again]]  ^[[bî'ko ayā'tcî înfatlîlîtî' (K)]]
biknoyan monkatih, he has aforesaid (H) ^[[bî'ko ā'ya îmȧñkalîtc (K)]]
biknoyan [[macron below "i"]] hikko, to give afore (H) ^[[-?]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
bī'la, grease (H) ^[[niha'ctcî' (K)]]
bilahchih, melted grease (H) ^[[_____ [[ditto for: niha'ctcî']] łatō'fka (K)]]
bila'chi, melting, dissolving (H)
bila'ia, dissolved, metal, white metal (H) ^[[just look at the boiling grease!]]
im bi'la, metal (H)
im bi'lo, becomes dissolve (H)
ishbi'la, melter (H) ^[[, something put into pot to boil]]
ishbi'lo, become dissolve by melter (H)
bil'la, to melt, to dissolve (H)
bil'lo, melting, dissolved (H)
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bîl'ha, unsteady, waving, as water or liquid (H)
bil'ho, having being waved (H)
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mabi'łkatoha', she threw up, she coughed up (070)
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bîłh'ka, to dug with hoe ready for planting a small grain (H) ^[[hō'htca (K)]]
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[[strikethrough]]finger, first[[/strikethrough]]
îstî'm bîłe'ka, first finger
^[["to point with"]]
[[end page]]

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^[[cf. behe]]
bî'łgo', persimmon
bilh'ko, a persimmon (H)
bi'łgok, a persimmon tree (0122)
bi'łgobạ'ntoha', it was all over persimmons (0127)
^[[_____ [[ditto for: bi'łgobạ]] nȧ'natoha (K) [[strikethrough]]it was all[[/strikethrough]] ]]