Viewing page 134 of 200

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^[[toho', frost (K)]]
^[[hîplê', snow (K)]]
^[[okî]] ākmȧ'me, ice ^[[, [[striketrough]]cols[[/strikethrough]]  okî tȧ'lkî (K)]]
ak'mi, ice (H)
ak'mo, become freeze (H)
aiak'mi, freezer, molder, molding lead (H)
aiak'mo, place in freeze, to place in molding (H)
akmi'chi, become a freeze (H)  ^[[tȧlkitcî (K)]]
akmi'cho, state having become a freeze
akmi'ma, a large ice, a real ice, a big frost (H) ^[[tȧ'lkîma (K)]]
akmi'ya, icing, iced, full of ice (H)
akmo'si, a piece of ice (H) ^[[-- talkosî (K)]]
okmiatoba, ice-plant (H) ^[[-- okî tȧ'lkî' itȧlkî' (K)]]
itta akmi, ground-ice (H) ^[[-- itatȧ'lkî' (K)]]
im-ak'ma, that which something becomes frozen into (H)
im-ak'mi, to become freeze (H)
[[strikethrough]]im-ak'mo, I not come to picked for him (H)[[/strikethrough]]
^[[okā'tca sȧle', icicle (K]]
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ākōmạtcī, a maple, [[underline]]acer[[/underline]] sp., (the old-time Indians made gunstocks out of it)
^[[îplī'mahȧ'tka' (K)]]
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ākō'mạtci, a tree which looks like a maple
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ako'ya, kindled fire in on wood; inflame (H)
ako'yo, state that having kindled (H)
akkoya, firebrand (H)
^[[bȧ'koya, to put ends of unburned parts of fire sticks together to start camp fire up in the morning]]
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aksȧ'li, flint (H) ^[[knife]]
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^[[ạbsoba[[?]] sound of]]
mā'tạksoba''djicạn, they heard the sound of shooting (6)
ạ'ksobadjitcō'mat, it(owl) screeched (146)
ạksobā'djin tcon hā'lûk, he heard a noise (inside the cane)(064)
ma'timạksuba'dji, it hissed (it made a noise) (0110)
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o'stạksoba'djok, it shouted there (28)
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