Viewing page 152 of 200

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201 ^[[-2]]
āpî'tạt, putting in (7) ^[[fill up (0113c)]]
imapi'tạt, he put it in (a hole) (141)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
202 ^[[-1]]
apī'ha, disciples, follower, followed after ^[[going together]] (H) ^[[î'tohō'ya (K)]]
api'ho, becoming to followed (H)
nas ishta^[[‿]]pihkachih, whip, (something to follow ^[[drive]] with ^?) (H) ^[[something to drive with   nas îstałȯ'ẋka (K)]] 
^[[wȧle____] [[ditto for: îstałȯ'ẋka]] ]]
wak isht^[[‿]]pihkachi, cow drovers' whip (H)
titchunnoha isht^[[‿]]pihkachi, wagon whip (H) ^[[tîckonō'kȧtcî' (wagon in K)]]
a'pēlē'tcok, she drove [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] them (069)
ostapili'djok, driving them (069)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
203 ^[[-2]]
ạpîkā'djît, others with him (10)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
204 ^[[-3]]
apil [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]
ishtapp[[overwritten]]i[[/overwritten]]^[[e]]^[['he]]l [[overwritten]]i[[/overwritten]]^[[e]]chit, [[ishtappe'helechit]] to drive with (H) ^[[îctałō'ẋka (K)]]
[[circled]]appils pȧtha,[[/circled]] girth (H) ^[[îstûnosihî'lka (K)]]
^[[îctatȧ'ka pahatcā'ka (A)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
205 ^[[-4]]
^[[cf. apiha]]
apēlalah, favorable (H) ^[[îmanî'tcila (K)]]
itim^[[‿]]oklat itim apelaya, favoritism (H) ^[[all [[same/have]] friends --- îtîmō'kȧla tîmawē'tcî (K)]]
apelko, not assisted (H) ^[[imawetcî'ko (K]]
apilama, witness (H) 
^[[îmawetcī'la (K)]]
mî'ntot îmapilā'maᵋ îctạ'łatcī tcạlpē'cō, if another helps us we can raise it up (17)
ishtilapilli [[macron below "i"]] yahli, handicapper (H) ^[[go + get him + bring him with you --- ō'ktilapē'łs (K)]]
îtîmapē'lok, (they) helped each other (17)
apil'ka, charity, liberality to the poor (H)
apîl'ko, uncharitable, unprofitable (H) ^[[--- îmowī'tcîko (K)]]
apī'la, help, assist, aid, relieve (H) ^[[--- îmawē'tcî (K)]]
apī'lo, having being help, useful (H)
apēla, help (H)
imapelalī, I help (H) ^[[-- îmawetcī'li (K)]]
akapela, ^[[I want]] [[circled]]he[[/circled]] help[[circled]]s[[/circled]] (H) ^[[-- îmawetcȧ'ko (K)]]
ohapela, they help (H) ^[[-- ohîmawē'tcî (K)]]
imapēlhili, we help (H) ^[[-- îmawetchîlko' (K)]]
imapela, you help! (H) ^[[-- îmawē'tcî (K)]]
isht illapilli ma, he is commander (H) ^[[-- îct îlapehelî (K)]]
imilapih^[[î]]li, headquarters (H) ^[[(+K)]]
imapila, help, support (H) ^[[îmawē'tcî (K)]]
nas apela chuffa, one supporter (H) ^[[îmawē'tcî întcufa' (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
206 ^[[-5]]
^[[from "horn" ?]]
i'lạpe`lehafa'mon, where the head men lay (73)
ilạpe'lē'gok, the head man (73)
at^[[‿]]îllapîlli, leader (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
207 ^[[-6]]
ishtilapihlih, manager (H)
^[[îctîlapehelî (K)]]
^[["one man going before"]]

Transcription Notes:
*handwriting is not marked - done *added missing diacritics