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208 ^[[-1]]
apih'chi, body; vine, tree (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hlalho ishtokwaika apihche, ishtukwaika apihche, fishing-rod (H) ^[[îc'tîmokuē'ka apî'htcî (K)]]
salạdka toba appihchi, water-cress (H) ^[[(+K)]]
a'bitcifa'gün, his shirt (probably "something on his body") (0126)
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209 ^[[-2]]
apilchi, ^[[(+K)]]
nas apî^[['c]]lchi, stalk (H)
nas apilchi ishtkulka, stalk cutter (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[strikethrough]]hatchaliya[[/strikethrough]] apilchissaya, stalker, stalking (H) ^[[(+K)]]
apilchi chuba, large stalk (H)
apilchi chaha, apils chaha, a tall stalk (H)
apilchushi, a small stalk (H)
apilchishachih, having stalk (H)
nas apîls^[[‿]]kuli, to cut stalks (H)
apîlchi offakchi im^[[‿]]ilpa, cold cream (H)
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210 ^[[-3]]
^[[from peh to lake]]
a'piᵋtcīk, bodies (70)
āpi'ʽtcotok, his body (023)
ā'pitcifa'yạn, on his body (0101)
tcāfi'' ạpi'ʽtci, an ax handle (0113b)
a'pi'ʽtcifā'mok, because on his body (0127)
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ap'ka, hold the breath (H) ^[[ohō'bûska (K)]]
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ạpka't, after this (?) (0107)
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apoh'pa, receive provision from the yard or ground (H)
^[[apō'fka (K)]]
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apoī'ba, to raise stock, animal or anything (H) ^[[anopa' (K)]]
appoiba, raise (such as cattle, etc.) (H)
waka apoiba, stock farm (H)
akaka apoiba, poultry farm (H)
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^[[cf. asîkbe]]
apok^[[‿]]bȧ', to catch a fire (H) ^[[hîłē'lîtcî (K)]]
apok'bo, state having catch fire; become a fire (H)
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ishtapulshuha, ^[[to rub (or medicines)]] medicative (H) ^[[cȧ'mōẋka'' (K)]]
^[[?-]] ishtapulsoha, dye (H)
illukfa apushohka, dyer (H) ^[[to rub clothing  îlûkfa cȧ'mōẋka' (K)]]
nas ishtapulsoha [[macron below "i"]] ishsha, dye-house (H) ^[[nas îcamo'ẋka îmī'ca (K)]]
apushohka, drying (H) ^[[cȧ'mō'ẋka (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*handwriting is not marked - done