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^[[îstcîłî'pka (K) (sing) [[singular]] ]]                                          
bis'ka, indicating to pointed in the hole back and forth (H)
bis'ko, to pointed [[strikethrough]]down[[/strikethrough]] into the hole;to work into the hole (H)
bi'skạt, sticking them (horns) against tree (0116)
^[[întcî'łpka, (pl.) [[plural]] (K)]]
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^[[English word  bass]]
imbiska, bass (H)
biska in hinni, bass clef (H)
biska talwa, basso
biska talwaha, bass singer (H)
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bisnallo, bisnallossih, take a time (H) ^[[, alone, he himself, îsnalō'so (K)]] 
^[[(from ibis?)]]
ibisna'gok, his own (030) ^[[(+K) (îbîsna)]]
bis'na, his own (H)
bis'no, his (H)
bisnali willī'ka, automaton (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
bisnak, auto (H) (not automobile)
behi bisnak tukahli, automatic gun (H)
bisnak hutinah, automatic register (H) ^[[(or) îbîsnā'kok]]
bisnak hlombi, automatic drill (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bisnak onno^[[‿]]sȧ'nitchi, automatic screwdriver (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bisnak hosuk, automatic pencil (H) ^[[îbîsna lōso (K)]]
bisnak bakki wileka, auto-buggy (H)
bisnali tobachih, homemade (H) ^[[îbîsnalê āyû'ktcî (K)]]
bisnali imissahfali illibi, homicide (H)^[[îbîsnalî îlî îbiīẋtci (K)]]
bisnalalo, headstrong (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bisnalalo intohnoya, head-work (H) ^[[(+K)]]
isht lusi bisnak, freely (H) ^[[(+K)]]
at bisnak allo, free thinker (H) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[i]]bisnalli înkosti'nka, free thinking (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bisnak, free (H)
bisnak kitaia okiputto kotik, quicklime (H)
ibinofa'gok, he (put) under himself (030) (see nuts)
^[[bîsna'lî hîłē'łī okipȧlīkotī (K)]]
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^[[îmîtcî'ksî (K)]]
bis'sa, pommel, a small head of anything, saddle, fruit (H)
^[[îbȧkosi (K)]]
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bît, to dance
bî'tlîle', I dance ^[[(now)  bîtlîlo', I have just been dancing.]]
bî'tlîb^[[t]]î'ska, ^[[do]] you dance^[[?]]
[[strikethrough]]bî'tlïle', he dances (bîtle', ?)[[/strikethrough]] ^[[he dances]]
bîthele', [[strikethrough]]we[[/strikethrough]] ^[[let us]] dance
ho'bîtle, [[strikethrough]]we 2 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[they]] dance
bîthîlạsko', [[strikethrough]]they [[/strikethrough]] ^[[we (all)]] dance
bîthîlạske'tcumo, [[strikethrough]]they 2[[/strikethrough]] ^[[we all stay]] dance^[[ing a long time]]
bit'ka, dance (H) ^[[(+K)]]
bit'ko, not to dance (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
bit'li, to dance; dancer (H)
bit'lo, danced (H)
bit'ti, state who does dance (H)
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bî'tlîlaho'k, I will dance (15)