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^[[see bofo]]
bok'fo, a wool blanket (H) ^[[tcû'k fîsî (or) tcûkfîhîsa (K)]]
bufko [[edit mark for: bukfo]], wool blanket (H) ^[[hîsa'kȧ (K) (better form) (an old time name)]]
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^[[English word]]
bukkipa, bookkeeper (H)
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^[[?]] bōk'no, to develop (H)
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^[[see bokoli, bunka]] 
bok'ō', hill ^[[tcȧpûksî' (K)]]   
bok'ko, hill (H)
bûkotca'łûn, every hill (094)
bo'kostcạfa'gû^[[or a]]n, the next hill (095)
bokosmi'ntûn, the next hill (095)
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bokuffi, burst (H) ^[[kolafê' (K)]]
bokufka, bursted (H) 
bokufka lahoko, hard to burst (H) ^[[____ [[ditto for: kolafê']] lahoko (K)]]
bokufkas konno, [[underlined]]easy[[/underlined]] to bursted ^[[or break]] (H) ^[[kolȧfka kȧnō' (K)]]
bakufkat ommatka, burst pieces (H) ^[[____ [[ditto for: kolȧfk]]ȧt a'mā'ka (K)]]
okcetłit bukufka, to rupture (H) ^[[ [[underlined]]oktcȧłît[[/underlined]] łatûfka (K) ="matter" in sore]]
bakufkalahuko, can not bursted (H) 
isht^[[‿]]bukufkah, bursting (H) ^[[îctkolȧfka' (K)]]
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^[[317 (?)]]
^[[probably from bok (q.v.)]]
bōkokō', drum (skin stretched over cypress knot^[[ee]] or a big pot?) ^[[ai'kȧtcî abonoẋka']]    
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^[[see bunka]]
bokō'li, to grow into bulbs on tree, or on limb of tree (H)
^[[nȧkȧbō'tcî (K)]]
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bok'si, diaper (H) ^[[breechcloth (+K)]]
ibōk'si, diaper, to protect the lower part of the trunk (H)  
ibok'so, stating to protected [[strikethrough]]round[[/strikethrough]] around the lower part of the trunk (H)