Viewing page 197 of 200

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fạ'tcạla', a small woodpecker with a red head, ^and black back
^[[red-headed woodpecker]]
[[end page]]

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486 ^[[-1]]
fạt, to tell
îⁿfạtlele', I tell him ^[[I have just told him]]
tcîⁿfatlelo', I tell you
îⁿfạtanolîlo', I tell [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] ^[[all]]
aⁿfạtle', [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] tell me ^[[!]]
iⁿfạtle', [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] tell him ^[[!]]
poⁿfạtle', [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] tell us ^[[!]] [[strikethrough]] (?) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]îⁿfatle', you tell them [[/strikethrough]]
aⁿfạtlite', he ^[[told]] [[strikethrough]]tells[[/strikethrough]] me (?) ^[[(yesterday or this morning)]]
aⁿfạtlika', he told me ^[[(a month or two ago]]
tcîⁿfạtlo', he tells you ^[[(just)]]
tcîⁿfạtlîtco, ^[[did]] he ^[[tell]] [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] you ^[[(yesterday +c [[etc]] ) ]]
hạtciⁿfạtạno'lîtco', he [[strikethrough]] tells [[/strikethrough]] ^[[told]] you all ^[[(yesterday (this morning)]]
îⁿfạ'tlin, telling them (2)
ohiñfạtla'pin, they told them (155)
ohiñfạ'tlin, they told him (162) ohiⁿfạ'tlin
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[[start page]]
487 ^[[-2]]
îñfạtoha', he told him (a long time ago) (2)
îⁿfạtcîlolo', you tell them (2)
fatli, sign (H) ^[[tell him]]  ^[[imȧñka' (K)]]
matinfatli, signal (H) ^[[send him word!]]  ^[[matimȧ'ñka (K)]]
nassot sahmaimun at matinfatlitin, signalize (H) ^[[nȧsûk sā'mahe matimȧ'ñka (K)]]   ^[[if anything is wrong we will tell him]]
sammit fatlin hosombaili, signally (H) ^[[everybody will know everything you tell him  sā'amît āłī'ka hosombailo (K)]]
Germinka miko sahchih fatka, Landgrave (ref. to German nobl (H)
fat'chi, you tell (H) ^[[imahî'ska (K)]]
fat'cho, you told (H)
^[[î]]fat'ka, tell (H) ^[[îmȧñka' (K)]]
fat'ko, told or untold (H)
fȧt'li, telling (H)
fat'lo, told (H)
fat'li, announce (H)
fatlih, tell (H)
fatkatoha, being told (H) ^[[imȧñkatoha (K)]]
fatka, told (H)
fȧtlih pissah fehna, told too much (H) ^[[îmȧ'ñka fe'hena (K)]]
fȧtlihchih, telling (H) ^[[îma'ñkatcî (K)]]
[[end page]]

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488 ^[[-3]]
maⁿtîñfạ'tōk, told them how to go (25)
fatko, can not tell (H)
oyhat fathiluski, we all tell (H) ^[[ohîȧt mahîlkȧ'sks (K)]]
pattafatkon fatlih, to tell a tale (H) ^[[tcō'kfa łîlkûn łî'lkȧ'sks (K) ]]
cha fotli, to tell on me (H) ^[[ȧtcałē'kas (K)]]
[[strikethrough]]nahhlk[[/strikethrough]] nahlilka a fatka, the place for telling news (H) ^[[nas ałî'lkûn (K)]]
fȧtliya, teller (H) ^[[ałī'ẋka (K)]]
hallikoluhon infatli, to give caution (H) ^[[atilû kō'lîfûn ā'łî'ẋka (K)]]
[[macron-below "i"]] fatunnoh, to give caution (H) ^[[îstîntcohobāsiⁿ îmȧ'ñka (K)]]
[[macron-below "i"]]fat'ka, having notice, to make known (H)
[[macron-below "i"]]fat'ko, not having notice, not tell (H)
[[macron-below "i"]]fat'li, notice, telling (H) ^[[îmȧ'ñka (K)]]
[[macron-below "i"]]fat'lo, noticed, told (H)
ma fotli, talking about (H) ^[[matałī'ẋka (K)]]