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The summer is always busy with new arrivals and old friend departures. There is little work done and few real parties. A time of rest. Also the month long fasting period of Ramadan was all of August. That means very little business transacted and hardly any work being done. It is such a mess - sleeping or lazy people during the day and noisy rowdy people all night. Our maid is of the old breed that truly offers Ramadan to God and works even harder and no grumbling or long face. This past week has been celebrating and feasting as next week we all can get back to work.

We are getting a new ambassador in Oct and that always means a change. I do hope the attitudes will change for the better. We need it desperately! Some of the new people are joining our Bible Study group so that is encouraging.

I plan a trip home in Oct-Nov  to visit family, friends etc in DC area and Melbourne, Fla. Charles mother has a rather serious brain deterioration. Dad is completely bound down to caring for her. She still can recognize people but has absolutely no retentive memory and so is unable to function. It is so basic she doesn't remember where the bathroom is!!

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