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and is expected to arrive here today.

The accident yesterday was the second of the meet, Major William L. Purcell of Floral Park, L. I., having suffered a broken back a week ago when his glider dived in the woods on East Hill. Purcell also is at St. Joseph's Hospital where his condition is reported to be improving.

Dozen Gliders In Air
Monday afternoon was one of the best days for soaring the visiting birdmen have experienced since the meet began Aug. 2. A dozen gliders were in the air at one time over South Mountain, riding high on the wings of a spanking breeze.

However, officials reported this morning that it is not definitely determined whether or not any new records were established for the meet.

Martin Schempp of Pittsburgh, Pa., remained in the air three hours and five minutes, but he landed more than one degree below his starting point when he set his ship down at the airport. According to F. A. I. rules, a pilot attempting a duration record must not land his ship more than 500 meters distant from the starting point and more than one per cent. below the starting point.

May Break Distance Mark
Whether or not Schempp's record will cout towards the contest money will be decided by the pilots at a meeting to be called in the near future.

August Haller of Pittsburgh, Pa., and W. Hawley Bowlus of LeRoy, may have established new distance records for the meet, but this had not been definitely determined at a late hour this morning.

Haller reached a farm at Fassett, Pa., and Bowlus, flying in the opposite direction, came down near Wilawana, Pa. Officials were check-

Say Knapp To Play Waltman for Court Laurels Labor Day

Waverly, Aug. 11--As the result of the matches Sunday on the links of the Shepard Hills Country Club at Waverly, it is probable that Edwin M. Knapp, Waverly, and Clayton Waltman, Sayre, will be matched against each other in the finals for the club championship on Labor Day.

In the last match of the quarter finals yesterday Knapp defeated Fred F. Tucker two up. He is now scheduled to meet A. R. Hamilton of Sayre, in the semi-finals some time next week. And it is rumored that Mr. Hamilton is prepared to let the match go by default as Knapp has been making much better scores all year than has Hamilton.

If this eventuality occurs, as rumored, it will mean that Knapp and Waltman must compete for the championship cup Labor Day.

In one of the second flight matches Sunday, Jim Bartlett defeated Cass Williams two up.

Committee Visits Camp
Waverly, Aug. 11 - Mrs. F. R. Ahbe and the members of her camp committee of Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout Council have visited Camp Brule and found everyone well and having a fine time. 

They announce that there are still several vacancies for the encampment beginning Aug. 16. Any Girl Scout wishing to enroll for this second period is requested to notify Mrs. Cass Williams, Camp Brule, R. D. 2, Forksville, Pa. 

mired at the bottom, a score of matrons mingled with the society buds and seemed to enjoy glider flights with equal enthusiasm. Among the young women who secured short courses in gliding from versatile pilots was Miss Isabel H. Benham, the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. W. Hamilton Benham.

"Just a little amazed and much impressed," [[underlined]] said Ernie Pyle of [[/underlined]] Washington, D. C., when asked his impressions of the glider meet by a Star-Gazette reporter. Mr. Pyle is a member of the [[underlined]] Washington Post [[/underlined]] staff and will spend two days in Elmira securing feature material on gliding for his newspaper. He stated the picture of the [[underlined]] HallerHawk, [[/underlined]] published in The Telegram on Sunday, was the most unusual picture of a glider in flight he had ever seen. This picture was taken by Wells Crandall of The Star-Gazette staff. Those who heard Mr. Pyle's interested comments expressed a desire to know what other event in Elmira had ever caused a Washington newspaper to send a representative here.

At the close of the glider dinner, at the Grotto Park Clubhouse, Friday night, Captain Thomas Phillips detained a Star-Gazette representative for an instant to ask the latest report from bedside of [[underlined]] Major William L. Purcell, [[/underlined]] who was [[underlined]] injured in last Monday's contest. [[/underlined]] During the conversation the snappy military man said he objected to so much publicity being given aviation accidents, fearing an adverse effect from public fear of airplanes and gliders. "But," he laughed, "I assume you will give me plenty of space if I crash." It was this same reporter's sad duty to write a story of the accident that resulted in so

South Mountain and spent an hour watching the gliders taking off. He expressed himself as much impressed. 

John G. Parfitt, official timekeeper for the glider meet, has prepared a score board in the glider office at the airport, on which appears daily the high scores in all contests for the entire met. Three minutes in front of this board tells one who is leading in every division and the record achieved. He has been praised liberally for his thoughtfulness.

J. Arnot Rathbone, for several years an ardent aviation fan, has been spending much time at the airport in company with the glider pilots. Monday he transferred himself to South Mountain to be at the point where events had their inception and was given a hearty welcome by contest officials.

Jack Leacite of Brazil, which is a long way from Elmira, visited the airport Monday to enjoy gliding and soaring stunts. He stated he had seen enough to convince him he should take up gliding, before his return home and expects to secure the services of Albert S. Hastings, American glider champion, as his instructor. "Brazil is going to hear plenty about gliding and about Elmira when I return home," he declared.

C.J. Froehlich, German aviator who introduced gliding to the United States, visited the contest Sunday. He is now a resident of New York City but expects to visit the Wasserkuppe, Germany, in a few weeks and secured the signatures of all pilots who know Wolf Hirth, to attach to a message, which he intents to present last year's most popular contestant who is now employed at the famous German center of gliding.

Manager Malcolm J. Wilson of the Association of Commerce, was depressed profoundly by the accident befalling Captain Thomas Phillips. Mr. Wilson had found a congenial spirit in the military officer and the accident touched him as it would had it happened to a member of his family, while he also regretted a second shadow falling upon the national contest. "Accidents happen in every line of business and sport," he said, "but I wish we might have avoided them this year. Gliding is going to mean a great deal to Elmira in the not distant future and I regret to see anything happen that may delay the fulfillment of our wishes."

[[underlined]] Sherman P. Voorhees' thoughtfulness was never demonstrated to better advantage than Monday afternoon, when he was summoned to the mountain top telephone to [[/underlined]] receive a call to the airport on ac- [[underlined]] count of Captain Phillips' accident. [[/underlined]] Appreciating what this meant to the captain's friends, some of whom were about to take off in their gliders, he instructed his associates to say nothing of the crash until the mountain was clear of ships. As a result the pilots, their minds undisturbed, all made safe landings at the airport and there received the information that saddened all hearts.

Friends of [[underlined]] Major Purcell, [[/underlined]] a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, have installed a radio in his room. This, with hundreds of messages


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Transcription Notes:
it appears some lines of text above were lost during scanning