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658 ^[[-1]]
^[[hîna' (A)]] ^[[hînî (K)]] 
[[strikethough]] ^[[(+K)]] [[/strikethough]]
h[[strikethrough]]ê[[/strikethrough]]^[[î']]n[[strikethrough]]ê[[/strikethrough]]^[[a]]' [[hî'na]], road
ahhi'na, guidance, to guard (H)   ?
ahih'na, to guide well (H) ^[[ahînî, my road]]
ahih'no, p. to guide better (H)
ahin'na, to guide, guidance (H)
ahin'no, guided (H)
ahi'na, guide, comfort with, to watch (H)
ahi'no, guided, comforted (H)
hinni chubba, highway or public road (H) ^[[hî'nitȧlîapî'cka (K) +A highway]]
hennichubafa bukochia, causeway (H) ^[[papīa'gasî (small) (K)]] 
[[strikethrough]]isht[[/strikethrough]] [[underline]]ihtoffa[[/underline]] ^[[tca'fofa (K)]] hinni im attaka, turnpike (H) ^[[(big)]]
hina'ta, leader, to lead (H)
hina'to, indicating engaged in for lead, [[underline]]leader[[/underline]] (H)
hini'fa, streamy into, for road, at the road (H)
hini'ma, road, road to, plain road (H)
hino'si, directing, it shows the way (H)
hi'nosifā'ya', it is on this trail (0105)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
659 ^[[-2]]
hinnī'chi, a line (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hiniha'ksosiyun, old trail(s?) (052)
hini hā'kcocīfā'gon, on an old trail (054)

hạnạ'k b^[[ō]]itō'pol[[strikethrough]]ō[[/strikethrough]]^[[ê]]', rainbow ^[[hâna'bîtîlî' (K)]]
hih'na, finest way, to show plainly, plainly road (H)
hih'ni, a plain road (H)
hih'no, become a finest kind of road (H)
hin'ia the way to go, the road towards to go (H)
hin'na to lead (H)
hin'ni, way, path, road, trail (H)
hin'no, the way to (H)
hinnik nutak k[[macron below "u"]]nnotoshchokulika, gateway (H) ^[[road goes right straight  (+K)]]
[[macron below "i"]]hi'na, affront, first, before, front of it, to lead to (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hi'ni, cavity, the way to go, blood vessel, its duty (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hi'[[strikethough]]n[[/strikethrough]]no, its duty to go, to lead out (H)
att illi [[macron below "i"]] hinn[[strikethrough]]i[[/strikethrough]]^[[a']], milky-way (H) ^[[ate' îlî iⁿhîni' (K)]]
[[macron below "i"]]hhi'na, state of indicating become the quality of road (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hhi'no, state of being having the good road (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hih'na, indicating of having nice road (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hih'ni, completed straight road (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hih'no, state of having a nice road (H)
[[end page]]

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660 ^[[-3]]
hanak botokula, rainbow (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
661 ^[[-4]]
^[[(+K) (except hîna + hînî)]]
[[macron below "i"]] hinnatta, commander (H)
isht [[macron below "i"]] hinnatta ma, commander-in-chief (H)
^[[?{]] [[connected to following four lines]]
ilai'na, to be himself allowed to guide (H)
ishhi'na, it partly way of (H)
ishhi'ni, partly the road (H)
ishhi'no, being partly showed the road (H)
hinatta, lead (H), [[strikethrough]]atahinoat[[/strikethrough]] atehinatta (H)
ishinatta, leader (H)
neospipafa nalhlilka ishinattassih, leaderette (H) ^[[îstehînā'to isîałî'lka, a woman leader (K)]]
hinatta kahno, leadership (H)
[[underline]]hinatta[[/underline]] ^[[hîna'to kanō' (K)]] kano, [[underline]]hinȧtta[[/underline]] ^[[hinato' pûna' (K)]] pûnná, leading (H)
ihi'natạtohon, she was going ahead (027)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
662 ^[[-5]]
ahî'^[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]nato', [[strikethrough]] he is above, over me,[[/strikethrough]] ahead of [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] ^[[upside of hill]]
^[[(he led me)]]