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ahîtcā'yok, (they) watched for some time(19)
ahitcha, handmaid, handmaiden (H)
ita^[[h]]i'cha, to watch for something in fire for cook (H)
ihhi'cha, an advice to wish him to see or look out (H)
ihhi'cho, state of being who look nicely at his (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hih'cha, be carefully to watch for it (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hih'cho, carefully to see or watch (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hit'cha, to look at (H)
[[macron below "i"]]hit'cho, state of [[strikethrough]]having t[[/strikethrough]] being having to looked at (H)
ikhi'cha, not seen (H)
ikhi'cho, unseen (H)
ilhi'cha, come and see, come to see (H) ^[["we look"]]
ilhi'cho, having come and see (H) ^[["come + see"]]  ^[[īthî'te (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
issha, intulī'hna ishtahicha, caretaker (H) ^[[îltuli'hîna îñkȧpîtȧ'nî (K)]]
ạhîtcā', watching
hitchah, see (H)
hitchatoha, seen (H)
hitchahe, to cause to see (H)
ittiba hitcha, to see together (H) ^[[both looking (+K)]]
macha hitcha, to see me (H) ^[[turn + look at me? (+K)]]
cha hitchas bunnasit chahitcha, to suffer me to see (H) ^[[(+K)]] ^[[you want to see me]]
ahlok oshitcha, go and see! (H) ^[[ałō'k oẋhî'tc (K)]]
aippin hitcha hitchalu, I see the pond (H) ^[[okfû'n hē'tcîs (K)]]
hitchaluh, I see it (H)
hitchalitti, I saw (H)
hitchas jabanossih, I want to see him (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ishtahichaha, academician, academical, academian, academic (H) ^[[watchmen]]
[[macron below "i"]]hi'cho, to attend, to protected for other men's business (H)
imintulih^[[hî]]nok omimok ahicha, eye-servant (H) ^[[întolī'hîna hī'tca (k)]]
mattukin hicha, eyeshight (H)
^[[matûkîn nē'ka hîtca (A)]]
^[[matȧkȧn nā'ka hîtc (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
679 ^[[-8]]
hohē'tcayok, they saw it for some time(23)
issah ahitcha iffa, alert (H) ^[[īsahîtca îfa (A)]]
ahitchassih, alertness (H)
ahitchas konnossih, very alert (H)
nas ahitcha konnoh, a good alert (H)
ahitchat tiskka moskan, you have to alert (H) ^[[ahîtcā'tcîska yolîn (K)]] 
shamihchit ahitchalaiok sobaitukobi, I have no idea to alert (H)
ahitcha chichih, to make it alert (H) ^[[eamē'tcît aitcā'tcî - lahe mōk subaiitȧ'kōs (K)]]
ahitchachih, better alert (H)  
akkaṉh nas ailhitcha alpiskobi, that no use for alert (H) ^[[ȧkā'mīt nā'sî ahî'tcatcī' ȧlpî'skûs (K)]]
ilhicha ishtalpisha, konno, konnosih, handsome (H)
hichatoha, found (H)
okhichashi, blind ^[[window]] (H) ^[[a little window]] 
mattikhî'chushi, blinding (H)  ^[[matîkhē'tcoᵋ (K)]]
mattikhichushia, blindness (H)
ikhitchohchih, not seen, unseen (H)
hohi'djatika', let them go to look (0129) ^[[(0130)]]

^[[intohobê', window blind (A) kē'tco (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
* watch out for the handwritten "barred l", it looks a lot like a "t", the "barred l" is loopier