Viewing page 33 of 200

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705 ^[[-2]]
oho'kfok, they put him in (boat)(33)
 holikfa hokfahchi, garmented (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   " [[Ditto for: holikfa]] ishtonnami, a suit garment (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   " [[Ditto for: holikfa]] chuhba, old garment (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   " [[Ditto for: holikfa]] hahpa, new garment (H)
holikfa, hokfachi, clothe (H)
  [[strikethrough]]m[[/strikethrough]] hokfa, to put on (H)
  hokfi, to put in (H)
  hokfihchih, to cause to put in (H)
  pa hokfa, ittapahokfa, add (H)
  ma pahokfa, ittapahokfa, addition (H)
  ittapahokfa ahlahchih, additional (H)
  pahokfah chalpissachih, addible (H) ^[[ pahō'kfa ȧlpī'satcî (K)]]
  holikfa ^[[underline]]awanhassih[[/underline]], sack, sacque (H) ^[[hîna'bûsîᵋ (K)]]
  itchuhokfat ikhichobana, hard-mouthed (H) ^[[îtco hō'kfa ketco- hobȧ'na (A + K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
706 ^[[-3]]
hō'kfȋt, putting in(15)
iⁿhō'kfạn, he got in (162)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
707 ^[[-4]]
[[strikethrough]]cloth, calico[[/strikethrough]]
ilo'kfạ, cloth, calico
      ilok'fa, cloth, dry goods, a piece of cloth (H)
     î'l^[[o]]ukf^[[a/]]ō'^[[l]]nfa, [[î'lokfa ō'kfa]] shirt ^[[holîkfa atcō'ka (K)]]
     ^[["sewed"]]     at ilukfa chihbi hukfi, sackcloth (H)
     ilukva ishmihlikatchi, washboard (H) ^[[holîkfa îscō'kàtcî (K)]]
     illukva issahfa yalli ishtwilka, mother hubbard (H) ^[[+ holî'kfa îssa yàlî îs'lîlka fámōs (K]]
     illukfa [[underline]]iskaiofka[[/underline]], washing-machine (H) ^[[- îstaca îka (K)]]
     illukfa isht sunkachi, wringer (H) ^[[h sȧnaî'ka (K)]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] isht tilhifilka, mangles (H) ^[[(+ K)]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] aiasihka; aiasihka, a tub (H) ^[[(+ K)]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] kaiofka, washboard (H) ^[[h sûẋkatcî (K)]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] aiatùkka, clothesline (H) ^[[l (+ K)]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] [[underline]]ishtatuka[[/underline]], clothes pins (H) ^[[tȧ'ka]]
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] aiatukka [[underline]]appukvohli[[/underline]], clothes-line reel (H)
        " [[Ditto for: illukfa]] aiatukka, clothes bar (H) ^[[apȧkō'ka (K)]]
     ilok'fo, indicating to cloth (H)
      illukfa yahli, dry-goods (H) ^[[h- tolî'sûba (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
708 ^[[-5]]
atti illukfa abuhlih, launderer (H) ^[[a- h- ase'helî (K)]]
tayie illukfa abuhlih, laundress (H) 
ilufva ishtabuhka, laundry soap (H) ^[[h îstałîẋ'ka (K)]]

ȋlō'kfạ, shirt (9)
    illokfa, cloth (H)
    illufka aliuchi, bed clothes (H) ^[[h -- îca'ᵋ (K)]]
       " [[Ditto for: illufka]] isshopatchi, clothier (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]]h --[[/strikethrough]] (+ K)]]
       " [[Ditto for: illufka]] olfa, clothing (H) ^[[h a'tcō'lî (K)]]
    ilukva ishtpuska, clothes-brush (H) ^[[h- (+ K)]]
       " [[Ditto for: ilukva]] chukfi hissih, a woolen cloth (H) ^[[(+K]]
       " [[Ditto for: ilukva]] aiatuka, clothesline (H)
       " [[Ditto for: ilukva]] isht tutuka, clothes-pins (H)
       " [[Ditto for: ilukva]] isht sunkachi, clothes wringer (H)
    ilok'fa, cloth, clothes, clothing, garment (H)
    ilok'fo, indicating to show a cloth or described (H)
    ilukva aiatuka, cloth-line (H)
    illukfa [[underline]]talibulli[[/underline]], laundry work (H)  ^[[îmakanō'tci (K)]]
    illukfa atalibuka, laundry house (H)  ^[[ītalibō'ka]]  
    illukfa [[underline]]abbuhli[[/underline]], ^[[hî'lî]] illukfa ashihli [[underline]]mamok hlankotchih,[[/underline]] launder (H) ^[[łîmîkō'tcî (K)]] 
    illukfa [[underline]]isht hlu'nko[[/underline]], ^[[łîmîko' (K)]] pott's iron or sad iron (H)
    illukfa ishthlunko [[underline]]pachu'kuli[[/underline]], ^[[same]] sad iron stand (H)
    illukfa ishtchulakbi, starch (H)   ^[[îstcêlakbî' (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*added "ditto" information *added remaining underline notation *watch out for the handwritten "barred l", it looks a lot like a "t"; the "barred l" is loopier than the "t"