Viewing page 34 of 200

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709 ^[[-6]]
îtō'bî hō'kfafā'gōn, being in a hollow tree (21)
inō'ga hokạstōⁿ'bạn, I want to get in (169)
eⁿhogi'kfon, not got in (or not let him get in) (169)
foho'kfok, they put her in (hohokfok ?) (04)
opa'hō'kfitoha', [[strikethrough]] put in on [[/strikethrough]] they put in on (082) (hopa---?)
imohokfagā''min, as if something were in (eye) (0106)
hok'fạtci''djok, he put on him (0120)
ilo'kfạtcō[[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]]^[[']]bạn, old shirt (0122)
ilo'kfatcombạn, old shirts (0126)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
hok'ki, near the middle, nearly half (H)
hokitta, half (H)
hokitta banna, halves (H)   ^[[(+K)]] 
hokitta bikka itasha, hokitta bikka, half-and-half (H)
inhlakhanni hokitta, half-blood (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
ittuchuki hokitta, half-breed (H) ^[[bro.]] ^[[(+K)]] 
nilha hushi hokittushi, half-moon (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
oke'fan olo'kō'tok omati'’, it is half way in the water (169
niłkhokī'da, midnight (172) ^[[(0110)]]
oke'tạhan, in center (018)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
711 ^[[-1]]
hok'ka, to sip in powder substance (H) ^[[ehoca' (K)]]
hok'ko, to sipped in powder form, [[strikethrough]] whooping [[/strikethrough]] (H)
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712 ^[[-2]]
ahok'ko, a sip some powder form from (H)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
hok'ko, whooping (H) ^[[hō'ẋkō (K)]]
oko'tkatoha, he whistled (0109)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
hokicho, soon (H) ^[[ihokē'tco (K)]]
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[[start page]]
hoknō'sok, an old woman(15) ^[[(161)]]
aho'kni, a woman married from (H) ^[[ō'nakiẋtcō'sî (K)]]
aho'kno [[edit mark for "ahok'no"]], did woman married from (H)
hok'na, to grow old, to be old (as a lady) (H)
hok'ni, mistress (H) ^[[, an old woman]]  ^[[ akoẋtcō'sî(K)]]
hok'no, being mistress (H)
huxnika'ha, old women; also hoknika'ha ^[[kîha (K)]]
ho'hokni, old women
ho'kạnosi, old woman
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
hokpola ^[[(+K)]]
tcạhokpola'hō^[[ū ?]]'sinono, I want to defecate (021)
hoho'pûlatōn, they defecated (029)
hopo'lạn, he defecated (029)
ho‘pûla'pīn, he defecated always (029)
tcạ'hokpû'lkatipa, I never defecated (like this) (030)
hoho'kpûlatoha', they defecated (0100)
hokpûla'yok, he defecated  (0100)

Transcription Notes:
*needs handwriting marked - done *needs diacritic marks - done ȧ ạ ā ä ē é ê è ӗ ḣ î ī ï ł ⁿ ñ ō ǒ ọ ū û ŭ ü ẋ χ ‘ ’ ³