Viewing page 44 of 200

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772 ^[[-1]]
hochi'fa, call the name (H) ^[[(+K)]]
holchiffan [[strikethrough]]hos[[/strikethrough]] lappalli, signature (H)  ^[[holtcîfan lapalîiî (K)]]
holchiffan hossuhya, signer (H)  ^[[_____ [[ditto for: holtcîfan ]] tcālî (K)]]
holchifa hinā'tta, given name (H)  ^[[h- hînato (K)]]
hochi'fo, state having calling by name (H)
bikno yan inka iṉ hochiffa, give the date beforehand (H)  ^[[biko holtcîfo (K)]]
iṉ holchiffon sumbaili, remember the date (H) ^[[(+K)]]
iṉ holchiffon ishtim[[‿]]aiosba, forget the date (H) ^[[(+K)]] ^[[înho'ltcîfo îlho'ẋsîn (K)]]
holchiffa in hlopputli, date is over (H)
holchiffa pullaki'tchi, near the date come (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[underline]]at holchifa,[[/underline]] at holchifa holisso, roll (H) ^[[(+K)]]
holchifa holissofan lapali, on the roll (H) ^[[holtcifok nas întcā'kapa ȧpā'lî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
773 ^[[-2]]
at hullochit anoli, to notify each other (H) ^[[at holîtcît anoholî (K)]]
at halochit ishtalha, significancy (H) ^[[at întcā'lît îetā'ya (K)]]
at halochit ishtaiachih, significative (H) ^[[at întcalît îstaya' (K)]]
at halochit aia, significatively (H) ^[[at-întcā'lît ana]]
at halochih, signify (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
774 ^[[-1]]
[[strikethrough]]huts[[/strikethrough]] ^[[ho]]tcī'łī, star
  hotci'ł tcuba', a big star (061)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
775 ^[[-2]]
hạ^[[‿]]tcī-kạtạ'lbî', the seven stars, the Pleides ^[[hotci lokobî (K) lot of stars]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
776 ^[[-3]]
^[[tci'łi entakolo']]
hodshi'ł u'ntuklu, seven stars, "dipper."  ^[[hotciłî baîa'tlê' (K) dipper]]
hudshi'łi îhi^[[‿]]ki'lî, three stars standing up (a constellation?)
^[[(behind the 7 stars)]]
^[[sana' îtełe' "raccoon's eyes" [[tremme?]] of 2 red stars near together]]
^[[hołci'łî pî'ła "hot stars" (or) (+K)]]
^[[ [[penentty?]] bowl of gr. dipper]] 
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Hand-written notes in pencil still need to be transcribed. * added start/end pages * added handwriting - unsure of some on last card (question marks)