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                  ^[[cf. fiti hā´yapiloxka'(K)]]
fiya´li, sway, to sway (H)
fiya´lo, swayed (H)

   afohóka, something to lapping on, at (H)
   afohóko, not lap or lick either (H)
   afohóli, a lap or lick in vessel; a lap or lick at or to (H)
   afoh´lo, a sipped from (H)
   afo´li, a place where to sip (H)
   afo´lo, a place having to [[strike through siped]] sipped (H)
   foh´ka, to lick at or something to lick (H)
   foh´ko, having licked (H)
   fohóli, to lick up (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   foh´lo, to licked (H)
   foh´ti, licking (H)

   _ifoh´ka, have to wipe or clean as with a tongue (H)
   _ifoh´li, to help in wipe, to wiped on as with tongue, (wipe clean (H)
   _ifoh´lo, stating who does wiping up or eated with tongue (H)
  i´lbi folō´stcûk, his hands (feet) they licked (021)

fóho´, honey bee ^[[ (+K)]]
   fo ^[[ho´]] tco‿´kba´', hornet ^[[(bee master?)]] ^[[(+K)]]
   fo ^[[ho´]] tcanạse´, small yellow wasp ^[[in house <- fō-'yu-bàskí lanàsî (K)]]
   foh´ho, a bee (H)
    iṉfo´ho, pertaining to some kind bees (H)

                        ^[[fo'xkatcî (K)]]
foho´pa, rushing the rain come (H)
foho´po, state having rushed the rain (H)

foho´ya, echo (H)    ^[[(+K)]]
fo´ka, then (H)       ^[[(+K)]]
fokka, that, those (H)     
nihta maffokka, those days (H) ^[[(K)]]
akki nilhaili fokka, those mornings (H)^[[hako´ԑ nîtai'li fokûn]] (K)
lukbaha moffokka, those years (H) ^[[ohaiyî´ mafokîm (K)]] 
himaka foka yahmih, about this time (H)
<[[hîmayaa'mî fō'kîn (K)]] 
nihta fōka, about tomorrow (H) ^[[(+K)]]

foko´ya, chicken fight each other, or knock to person (H) ^[[lok̄´lît (K)]]