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hạlai, to touch (also poto)

hạlai'lile', I touch
hohạlaile', t[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]]^[[hey]] touch
hạlaitci', you touch ^[[(+ R)]] [[handwritten note is in right margin]]
hạlaili', he touches^[[, touch,]]
[[underline]]i[[/underline]]halailkahchi, milker (H) ^[[(+ K)]] [[handwritten note is in right margin]]
taiha wak [[underline]]i[/underline]] halahka, milkmain (H) ^[[(+ K)]] [[handwritten note is in right margin]]
att wak I halahka, milkman (H)
isht halatilka, hand-barrow (H) [ichitihalatilka (K)]

iha'lo, attend, to listen, visitor (H)
hal'la, hear, can hear (H)
hal'lo, hear, heard (H) [(& K)]
ha'lo, hear, heard (H)
halo, to hear
halo'ma, listener, heard, that who or which heard (H) [halo'mas (K)]
halo'ya, one who has attend or listener (H)
inha'lolo, I hear him
tcinha'lolo, I hear you
amicha'lo, [do] you hear me[?]
i'micha'lo, [do] you hear him[?]
anha'lo, he hears me
tcinha'lo, he hears you
tcimilha'lobe, we hear you
i'milha'lobe, we hear him
imilha'lasko, they hear him
ohanha'lo, they hear me
hah'[a]lo, behavior, easily can hear anything (H)
hoha'lo, known, they heard (H) [(& K)]
halo'ba, hark, listen (H) [minhalos (K)]
halo'chi, to make known (H) [(& K)]
halo'cho, having made known (H)
halo'fa, a place where for heard, to heard (H) [(& K)]
halo'ha, attendance, congregation (H) [(& K)]

ik hallo, deaf (H)
ishtilhallo, ear-horn (H) [ilha'lo (K)]
hallo, hear (H)
hal, to hear [[strikethrough]](original card misplaced or lost)[[/strikethrough]]
ihas'la, you become hear or heard (H)
ihas'lo, you hear; did you hear? (H) [hesha'lo (K)]
ikha'la, unheard, not hear, not listen (H)
ikha'lo, deaf, not hear or heard (H) [(& K)]
ilha'la, he come and hear or listen; we attend (H)
ilha'lo, come and hear; come to listen (H)
inha'la, to obey (H)
inha'lo, obey, obeyed (H)
ishha'la, you having heard (H)
ishha'lo, you hear, listen, or heard (H)
haluji, ma haluji, notify (H) [(& K)]
halujia, notification (H)
pon haloshi, peaceful (H) [punha'lo (K)]
haloskano, peacefulness (H) [(& K)]
halloli, I hear (H) [(& K)]
chak hallo, I can't hear (H) [akhalos (K)]
isht hallo, you hear (H)
chik hallo, you can't hear (H) [(& K)]
? ahha'[ha]lo, to adore (H) ^[[you hear me!]]

[[underline]]i[[/underline]]hah'lo, to obey (H)
ostohinha'lok, they got there and heard him (164)
?imponha'lot, he heard him (047)
ha'lotoha, he heard (083)
ashatci'lo, do you [canceled out] (pl.) hear? (or al?) (098)