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^[[(+K) 648]] 576
^[[h]]ana'li, six
 hannulih, six (H)
 hannulichih, to make six (H)
 isht hannuli, sixth (H)
 anahannuli, sixteen (H)^[[--------     kono hanali (K)]] 
 polish hannuli, sixty (H)^[[--------- pola  _____ (K]]
 tahlepas hannuli, six hundred (H)^[[-- trupi _____(K)]]
 tahlepas sipis hannuli, six thousand (H)^[[trupatioba hanali (K)]]
 isht anahannuli, sixteenth (H)^[[pokono hanali(K)]]
 isht polish hannuli, sixtieth (H)      icpola hanali
 isht hannulima, olla isht hannulipa, sixthly (H)
^[[icta hanali,the 6th(K)]]
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hanano', bullfrog ^[[o notation over 2nd a]]
 hano'no, bullfrog (H)^[[(+K)]]
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hani' fatala', yellow jacket ^[[------ foho loina(K)]]
 hunnifutula, yellow jacket (H)
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handjo'kfala, spider 
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     ihap'cha, you done killed for his, her, it (H)
     ihap'chi, you did killed for it, or his, her, etc. (H) (H)
     ihap'cho, to tell or declared him show his done it(killed
     ihap'ka, lost or death as a both one for his (H)
     ihap'ki, to wish for him to do kill for his or her (H)
     ihap'ko, to death from it (H)
     ihap'la, sombody makes it dried or killed from it (H)
     ihap'li, causing to killed by something done it (H)
     ihap'lo, state of being killed caused something done it(H
     ihap'ta, to drying or death him for it (H)
     ihap'ti, state to killing out of his (H)
     hap'ka, death (H) 
     hap'ko, death (H)
     hap'li,_to death (H)
     ihas'ba, ^[[2nd]]3d person, you are killing it for somebody (H)
     ihas'bi?, is that you both destroy or killed for it?
     ihas'bo, I know you are to make him death for it (H)
^[[{notation added for last 3 entries}ibi has = you 2 a name[[?]] ]]
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581^[[-2 1915(-3)]]
han'polomit, she fainted ("it killed her")(31)
 ishapolo'ngatoha, he became as if dead (in a stupor) (024)
  hapulu'nkago'k, that man who had fainted on a blanket (026)
  itoha'pkon, a dead tree (0101)