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^[[et i]]
h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]'s[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]-s[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]le'ka, east
[[end page]]
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598 ^[[1508]]
h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]'ske'ná, bumble-bee   ^[[(+K)]]
     oskina, huskkina, humble bee (H)
[[end page]]
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h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]s'm[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]lmō', poplar
^[[nofo' (K)]]
[[end page]]
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^[[2217]] 600 ^[[-1]]
h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca, to stand (sing.) (pl. loko q.v.)
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca'lîlo, I stand
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca'liloite', I stood ^[[(yesterday,)]]
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tc^[[ā]]tci', you stand!
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[dot underneath]]tcatcitcome', ^[[are]] you [[strikethrough]]are [[/strikethrough]] standing ^[[(some time)]]
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tcal^[[î]]tce', [[strikethrough]] he stands [[/strikethrough]] ^[[make him stand!]]
[[strikethrough]] h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca'litci, you stand [[/strikethrough]]
    h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tcatcahe', [[looped line to reverse word order]] you are [[/looped line to reverse word order]] going to stand^[[?]]
     apaintulihno hachalli, a work table (H)^[[(+K)]]
[[underline]]i[[/ underline]]hachaliche, to cock (as a gun) (H) ^[[+K]]
[[underline]]i[[/underline]] hachalichih, cocked (H)
[[underline]]i[[/underline]] hachakoh, uncocked (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hatchaliya, stalker, stalking (H) (?)
hacha'ko, not stand, choose, elect, receive, walk (H)
holha'chi, game stand (H) (?) ^[[where game is hunted]]  ^[[(+K)]]  
sunkot hatchali, weary and stop (H) ^[[(+K)]]
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h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca,
   pah[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca'lodjok, he stood (the club) over
   hatca'toha, he stood so, he was so all the time (044)
   h[[dot underneath]]a[[/dot underneath]]tca'tcî'stoha', they played (stood by) it all the time (064)
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^[[fuller?]] 602^[[-3]]
hachali, iháchā^[[']]li, pillow ^[[on?]](H)
^[[îsnîyê' (K)]]
tohbit hachli, a pillow of the cloud (H)
^[[hátkat hátiā'li (K)]]
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