Viewing page 15 of 200

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603 ^[[-4]]
hatca'lesok, they ^[[who]] stood ^[[standing]] (close to ocean) (7) ^[[8]]
hacha'li, stand, upright position, accepted (H)
hacha'lo, standing (H)
itto lobbo bitka [[underlined]]i[[underlined]] hachali, may-pole (H)
hatchalli, become (H)
hatchallitti, becomingly (H)
hatchallihchih, becoming (H)
hatchallitoha, became (H)
hatchatoha, been (H)
pahachali, mount (H)
ostishatca'lok, they ^[[he]] came and stood (163) (probably) hatca'tcoti' ^[[ha]], she stays all the time (010)
hatcaliba'naha, stand right here! (031)
ibi',tcok hatca'tcilolo', I will make you kill everything always (035)
hattcatci'mok, you keep this (036)
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604 ^[[-5]]
hatca'lesok, he stood (near?)(3)
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605 ^[[-6]]
hatca'lesok, he(bear) stood (near?)(2)
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606 ^[[-7]]
ishatca'lecan, it stood there near(34)
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607 ^[[-8]]
lokhatca'lok, he stood up again(27)
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608 ^[[-9]]
tchihuki'pot hatcatcilolo', you will live on without having sickness(18)
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609 ^[[-10]] 
hatca'toma'lit, having stood for a while(13)
lokhatca'lok, he stood up again(27)