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^[[olokō' (K)]]
hé'luge[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]], [[circled]]loon(?)[[/circled]]
^[[(must seen about any more)]] 
^[[ [[strikethrough]] probably [[/strikethrough]]
^[[feathers go straight [[porse?]] from head]]
^[[like ducks but w. long feathers on back of head, stay in woods in fall]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
hī'ła‘dji', a big duck, blue around the neck ^[[hē'łhā'(K)]]
hihlahchih, drake-duck (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
651 ^[[-1]]
^[[hilhi]] ^[[(+K)]]
hilhi'chi, to let warm, warming in, finest (H)
hilhi'ma, one who receives warmth (H)
hilhi'ya, that which is warming, or finest one (H)
^[[it]]hîłh'ka', a place where to get warm, sitting by fire (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hilh'ki, let him warm to the fire (H)
hilh'ko, not in the warm, not to warming (H)
hilh'la, [[a is typed over 'i']] indicating who have to warm (H)
hilh'lo, being in warm (H)
hilh'li, warming to fire; to warm (H) ^[[____ hî'łtc (K)]]
hilh't[[macron below "a"]], being warm all right (H)
hilh'ti, (adv.)received warm, one who does warm (H)
ahilahpaffa, hilkatchifama, hot-blast (H) ^[[ē'tî'kbafa (K)]]
hilkatchitikimma, hot-headed (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hilkatchiffa atti, hotspur (H)
hilkatchiffa imma, hot-tempered (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hilkachifa, sultry place or open place (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
^[[ ahapî'lkafa (K)]] [[connecting line to]] ^[[hî'lkatcî]] ^[[something hot close to fire]]
hehloputlîchi, blood-heat (H) ^[[(+K)]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
652 ^[[-2]]
ahiłh'ka, a fireplace, heater, heating stove (H)
ahilh'ko, not warming, not to warm with (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
hiłiktcē'n, seed(68) ^[[hīłê' (K)]]
nas olfa hilhikchi, seeds of plants (H) ^[[nas olfa hîłî' (K)]]
hilhlikchi, seed (H)
hilhikchishi, seedily (H) [[strikethrough]](?)[[/strikethrough]]
puspa chumpuli okmalli nas hilhlikchassih, seed-cake (H) ^[[tȧbak tcàmpuli hîłî otohȧ'nûtcî (K)]]
hilhlikchi [[underline]]isht chuppa,[[/underline]] seedsman (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hilhlikchissah, seedy (H)
[[underline]]holihta chukchukafa[[/underline]] hilhlikchi, garden seed (H) ^[[holîxtā tcakā'wa hayo' hîłî(K)]]
hilhlikchi impafitchi, seeder (H) ^[[îtcowala hîłî' (K)]]
hilhikchisha, seeded (H) ^[[+K]]

Transcription Notes:
i think the last handwritten note on 651-1 is missing from the transcription but since I am just starting this I'm not sure... thank you *it's up one line attached to a typewritten line.