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794 ^[[-5]]
im ib'ba, indicating who does killed for it (H)
im ib'bi, to make slaughter for him (H)
im ib'bo, state of being who does killing for it (H)
im ih'ba, state of having kill several times (H)
îtē'bok, they fought together (Alabama and Choctaw) (5)
ihbo'na?, adv. how get along killing, kill more or sorry? (H)
ihbo'no, v. to make think, expect him killed more (H)
ihbo'sa, n. that he killing does well (H)
ihbo'si, going killing some more (H)
ihbo'so, state of being having fine killer (H)
ihbo'ta, he is the skillfully killer to be (H)
ihbo'ti, he is the skillfully killer (H)
[[macron under "i"]]hib'bi, to kill him from mine (H)
[[macron under "i"]]hib'bo, killed it for me (H)
ihik'bi, let him kill it right away (H)
ihik'bo, can't hardly find to kill (H)
ihil'ba, we lose his life right away (H)
ihil'bi, we kill it right away or early time (H)
ihil'bo, we have a good luck to kill easily (H)
ilih'ba, indicating so often kill or out of game himself (H)
ilih'bi, so much often kill or out of game himself (H)
ilih'bo, one who does so much out of game (H)
[[end page]]

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795 ^[[-6]]
^[[ibi, to kill]]                           
^[[matîbîtēn' hunting (1)]]
^[[ē'bok, he killed and (?) (1)]]

ohāmī bîtoholo', they killed (my chief) (2)
î'bît, killing, or to kill (2)
ohî'bîtoha', they killed it (3)
ikba'ti, that is not need to kill him all the time (H)
ikbo'bi, not harming; missing to kill (H)
ikbo'fa, a place to where are not harm or kill (H)
ikbo'ha, causing of acting not to killing (H)
ikbo'ia, ikbo'ya, that which is or does not to or for kill (H)
ikbo'ka, indicating that who has not killing (H)
ikbo'ko, that which was not kill (H)
ikbo'la, to requested about saving his life for (H)
ikbo'li, not to have harm with it? (H)
ikbo'lo, I believed not killing of any (H)
ikbo'ma, saving life (H)
ikbo'mok, one who shall to kill (H)
ikbo'no, that is you done killing I know (H)
ikbota, not to this time (killing?) (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
796 ^[[-7]]
im ih'bi, to kill on for it several times (H)
im ih'bo, state of being killing on several times (H)
i'lbûk, is killed (or we kill) (0118)
îtîbîstō'bapîtoñgo', much war (or fighting) has been there (14)
ikbo'ti, he would not to kill him (H)
ikbo't[[macron below "o"]], then, he kill nothing (H)
ik'ibbi, killed a mother (H)
ilba'ha, to act to try to killing (H) ^[[îlbās' (K)]]
ilba'hi, caused to be to kill for it together (H)
ilba'ho, causing to be to killing for it together (H)
ilba'pa, indicating which we partly to kill for (H) ^[[îlbapî'lahōs (K)]]
ilba'pi, we partly to kill for (H)
ilba'po, we had tried to close to him kill (H)
ilbi'ka, that which we killing for (H)
ilbi'ta, now we having received killed him (H)
ilbi'ti, [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethough]]we had to make him killed (H)
ilbi't[[macron below "o"]], we done have killing, then (H)
ilbi'ya, that which is to kill (H)
ilbo'b[[macron below "a"]], we did kill him now (H)
ilbo'cha!, ilbo'chi!, look here!, we harmed it, isn't it (H)
ilbo'la, he killing time to time (H) ^[[îlbōs (K)]]
ilbo'na, to requested as that is [[strikethrough]] the hand [[/strikethrough]] to kill (H)

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritic marks - done