Viewing page 51 of 200

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805 ^[[-2]]
bita'la, face, forehead (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
806 ^[[-1]]
îbî'[[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]-cāne', nose ^[[(+K)]]
  ibicaⁿ'nin, her nose (o.) (36)
  ibica'nigon, her nose (o.) (36)
  ibicanima'loctcole, it looks like her nose (36)
  aishi ibishon [[underline]]bututli,[[/underline]] ^[[to pîb]] laughing-gas (H) ^[[(+K)]]
  ibbisuni hû'kva, halter (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
807 ^[[-2]]
  cha^[[‿]]bishā'noh, I have a bad cold (H) ^[[(+K)]]
  ibbissano', cold, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] bad cold (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
808 ^[[-1]]
^[[see ibakhitip]]
^[[e]]ibi'tōn, the top of (71) ^[[(136)]]  ^[[(+K)]]
^[[(îbiti, killed)]]
ibitofēnạyolo', go in the direction of your head, go forward! (146)
i'bitofē'nạn, in the direction of the head (forward) (147)
ibi'tok, on top of (169)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
809 ^[[-2]]
^[[bîtocî,]] ^[[cf 311]
î'tîbîtō'cîn, on top of a tree (29)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
810 ^[[-1]]
^[[13 85]]
îfa', dog ^[[(+K)]]
  ifa'si, puppy (H)
  ifa'fa, a dog, pertaining to cockle (H)
   ifa, [[strikethrough]] dof [[/strikethrough]] dog (H)
   ifa hakchupatha, hound dog (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   ifa wuksi, shepherd dog (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   ifochussi, puppy (H)               
   ifa pulki, greyhound (H) ^[[(+K)]]
   ifa chuba, ifa illakŭlo, bulldog (H)  ^[[ifa polō'ka (K)]]
   Eskimoka imifa, Eskimo dog (H)
ifashi buski, poodle (H)
ifa [[macron-below "i"]]titchunoha, dog-cart (H) ^[[ī'fas îskono'katcê'(K)]] 
ifa hochupatha, hound (H)
ifa pulki, grayhound (H)
ifa chuba, ifa ishtbak chuba, bulldog (H)
[[strikethrough]] osh hloli, fosh wili [[/strikethrough]]
ifa' wohodshi, shepherd dog or newfoundland (H) ^[[ifaᵋ hȧtcîbȧskî (K)]]
ifa chukki, small dog (H)
ifashi, ifa atchushi, puppy (H) ^[[(+K)]]

Transcription Notes:
ȧ ạ ā ä ē é ê è ӗ ḣ î ī ï ł ⁿ ñ ō ǒ ọ ū û ŭ ü ẋ χ ‘ ’ ³