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811 ^[[-2]]
î'fā-[[strikethrough]]ạ[[/strikethrough]]ło'ᵋqō', a briar climbing on trees. Indians used to tie it round middle of horses which fell down from weakness. ^[[īfā nas ło'kō' (+K)]]
ifa, ifa nani, dog (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ifushiki, bitch (H) ^[[īfaᵋ taiye' (+K)]]
ifai'bi, to cause sickness from dog (H)
hakchopatha ifa, bloodhound (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ifa illuk maili pûnná, water spaniel (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ifa tcutcû'ski, little dogs, puppies (049)
i'fa tcoteō'skikon, the little dogs (050)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
812 ^[[-3]]
î'fā tạn[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]ai'ka, cocklebur ^[[ī'fa tȧnaikê'ᵋ (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
813 ^[[-1]]
îha'ne', earth ^[[, land (+K)]]
imehani, plantation (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani, place (H)
imehani ikso, placeless (H)
imehanni, his or her place (H)
imihanni, place (H)
ehanih, land (H) iha'ni, land (H)
[[underline]]ehani ahiya[[/underline]] ^[[īhanî îmā'tî (K)]], [[underline]]ehani atinka, land agent (H)[[/underline]] ^[[(K)]]
ehanifa isshat ayaha ehalchiffa pihla ishtoaya, land crab (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani innahochih, landed (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani atisaiapka, land grabber (H) ^[[___ [[ditto for: ehani]] asta'małāẋka (K)]]
ehani miko chuba atinfaili, land grant (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani [[underline]]ealhlih[[/underline]], land holder (H) ^[[hȧlȧ'tka (K)]]
taiyiha imihani, landlady (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehannih, low (H)
ehan [[underline]]buttusballi[[/underline]], lowland (H) ^[[bȧtȧsba'(K)]]
ubah^[[a]]lih ehannih, land above (H) ^[[ahobai' ehanî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
814 ^[[-2]]
ehanni buttasbali, bottom land (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehan suncho, sandy land (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehan suncho kanno, hammock land (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehan [[underline]]chukisha[[/underline]], buckshot (?) land (H) ^[[tcîtȧkȧna' (K) black clay land]]
ehan homma, red clay land (H)
ehan lutcha, black land (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehan bukbuki, a rough land (H)
ehanni konno, fertile land (H)
ehan chuba, old land (H)
ehan hahpa, new land or new ground (H)
ehani a'hi[[strikethrough]]j[[/strikethrough]]a, ehani ealhlih, landlord (H) [[handwritten bracket which extends from "ehanni konno" to "ehani a'hi[[strikethrough]]j[[/strikethrough]]a"]]^[[(+K)]]
ehani sahmikat tallaka fotlihlahka, landmark (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani [[underline]]alpissa[[/underline]], land measure (H) ^[[o'pîno' (K)]]
ehani ealhlima, land owner (H) ^[[(+K]]
ehani chuknuski fa yinnahlit anuka, landslide (H) ^[[īhā'nî hofā'nȧt anō'lî (K)]]
oki hatka attin ehani fa wikaiuk mati muchahko, land lubber (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehani fawikka, ehanifa chukkali, landsman (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ehan [[underline]]kulufkaya[[/underline]], ehan [[underline]]kolufkahchih[[/underline]], land surveying (H) ^[[koyûfkā'ya koyûfkaẋtû (K)]]
ehan appissah, ehan kuluffi, land surveyor (H)
ehanifayan tohba, landward (H) ^[[(+K]]
mikoyan ehan hahpo imissi apissachok, land-warrant (H) ^[[(+K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*some diacritics missing - done