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829 ^[[-1]]
ikfi, belly ^[[(+K)]]
chak'fi, my belly (H)
chik'fi, your belly (H)
ikvi ishtunaishiha, cinches (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hik'fi, our abdomen, our belly (H)
hik'fo, pertaining to our belly, (speak about his own belly (H) 
ikfa'ba, state of who has larger belly (H)
ik'fi, abdomen (H) 
ikfi'cha, state or being curse [[strikethrough]]((cause?)[[/strikethrough]] to his belly (H)
ik've, abdomen, belly (H) 
ik've cho'ba, a large abdomen or belly (H)
chak've, my abdomen (H) 
ikfi'chi, talking about his belly or curse the belly (H)
chikvi, your abdomen (H) 
ikvobiyikchi, a lower part of the belly (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ikvifa, abdominal (H)
ikvi ishtaisiha, abdominal supporter or band (H)
ikvi hopa, bellyache
ikvi ishtunaisiha, belly-band (H)
ikvi ikso, nothing contained in the belly (H)
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ikfi'cho, state of who does to blame at belly (H)
ikfi'fa, abdominal (H)
ikfi'ha, enlarging your stomach and eat more (H)
ikfi'ka, indicating to show the abdomen (H)
ikfi'ko, that abdomen, that was abdomen (H)
ikfi'la, descibe himself has large belly (H)
ikfi'li, I have large belly more than (H)
ikfi'lo, I have large belly myself (H)
ikfi'ma, one who has largest belly (H)
ikfi'mo, indicating state of who is has large belly (H)
ikfi'na, to requested about belly how large is (H)
ikfi'no, to answered about belly more larger than (H)
ikfi'ta, having large belly to known of (H)
ikfi'ti, he had more belly as we had (H)
ikfi't[[macron below "o"]], he has largest belly then (H)
ikfi'ya, that which is belly (H)
ikfi'yo, in the belly (H)
ikfo'ka, it might be in belly (H)
ikfo'la, that is for belly (H)
ikfo'li, he has large belly is more than (H)
ikfo'lo, belonging to for belly (H)
ikfo'na, to requested about belly how large is it (H)
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ikfo'no, in replied about belly more larger than (H)
ikfo'si, a small belly; having a small belly (H)
ikfo'so, state of being, indicating to show belly (H)
ikfo'ta, anyone of that is has abdomen (H)
ikfo'ti, he had [[strikethrough]]belly[[/strikethrough]] a belly (H)
ikfo't[[macron below "o"]][[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]], he had large belly then (H)
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^[[cf. po]]
ikposikchih, mother-in-law (H) ^[[îkposîktca'(K)]]
ikposikchi nani, father-in-law (H) ^[[____ [[ditto for: îkposîktca']] nā'nî (K)]]