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833 ^[[-1]]
ik'chi, penis ^[[(+K)]]
ikcha'ba, state of whose having long p.
ikcha'ha, to requested about who has long p.
ikcha'ti, to make show had more longer p.
ikchi'fa, to p.; at p.
ikchi'ka, that which was has long p. (H)
ikchi'ko, that which man has longest p. (H)
ikchi'la, indicating himself has long p. (H)
ikchi'li, my p. more is than (H)
ikchi'lo, I guess it he has longer p. (H)
ikchi'ma, one who has longest p. (H)
ikchi'na, to requested about p. how long he has (H)
ikchi'sa, indicating who has to be long p. (H)
ikchi'so, state of being, having longer p. he had (H)
ikchi'ta, now that is long p. (H)
ikchi'ya, that which is whose p. (H)
ikcho'ba, to declare about the p. is too long (H)
ikcho'la, indicating who should be long p. (H)
ikcho'li, he had p. more than (H)
ikcho'lo, I believed he has more long p. of any (H)
ikcho'na, to requested about p. how long he had (H)
ikcho'no, I satisfy has longer p. which we had (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
834 ^[[-2]]
ikcho'ti, he had more monger [[typo for: longer]] p. as we had (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
835 ^[[-1]]
^[[îla, to come ([[down?]] [[all day?]] [[?]] [[guy?]]) (+K)]]
mātîlā'djok, they came there (5)
ak'^[[a]]la, let me come back (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ak'lo, I am not back no more (H)
ayi'la, a place to come at (H) ^[[(or) pa'ila  (+K)]]
attok illoh, I see somebody coming (H)
ila'chi, they all come (H)
ila'ha, beg him to come again (H)
ik'lo, not come (H)
il'la, pre; ready; come (H)
is'la, you are come (H)
is'lo, you are came (H)
illahtih, got down (H)   ?
illoh, got in or penned up (H)
itai'la, come to[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]] close, yard, or close in fireplace (H)
itai'lo, to close to (H)
ishti'la, bring, to bring in (H)
ishti'lo, brought (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
836 ^[[-2]]
im ish'lo, you come to (H) 
im is'la, you come to him from time to time (H)
îla, to come
îlạlo', I come ^[[(just) îlale, I am coming]]
îlalîte', I came ^[[(yesterday)]]
[[strikethrough]]a'[[/strikethrough]]nî'ᵋtan ạ'łalaho', I am going to [[strikethrough]]come[[/strikethrough]] ^[[start]] tomorrow
îsla', you come ^[[you came (same)]]
îla', he comes
îla'be hîlka', we come
wi'hạt îlabe'hạska' , ^[[do]] you all come^[[?]]
ilabe'ka', they ^[[just]] came [[strikethrough]] ^[[(yesterday)]] [[/strikethrough]]
^[[___ [[ditto for: ilabe'ka']]te' ___ [[ditto for: they just came]] (yesterday)]]
^[[îstē'lạn, coming with (1)]]
î'lạtoha', (bear) came long ago (3)
î'lạtcîtoha', they came long ago (3)
ictila'mon, he came here with it (38)
i'lo, coming (H)
ih'la, coming here regularly (H)
ih'lo, came here regularly (H)

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics - done *some handwriting isn't marked - done