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973 ^[[-2]]
kak'ha, perf. part. said (H) ^[[kaka'ha (K)]]
mạñkabā'nạt, all saying that(32)
ilho'ka, come and tell (H) ^[[(+K)]]
ilho'ko, come and told (H)
ilka'ba, indicating to express about to say (H)
ilka'fa, a place to command (H)
ilka'h[[macron-below "a"], we ought to say (H)
ilka'hi, we might say (H)
ilka'ho, we will say (H)
ilka'ia, ilka'ya, that which is or does meaning (H)
ilka'io, ilka'yo, that which we have been said (H)
ilka'ka, that which it was said (H)
ilka'ko, that which was said (H)
ilka'ma, when in to explain (H)
ilka'pa, we partly to say something (H)
ilka'pi, we must to be said (H)
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974 ^[[-3]]
îskạlolo', tell him! (32) ^[[îs'kȧlahôs (K)]]
ilka'po, we had most to say so (H)
ilka'si ^[[a?]], indicating that which was to said (H)
ilka'si, particular meaning (H)
ilka'so, state of being, having, we said so (H)
ilka'ti, we said so; state of being we to said (H)
ilka't[[macron-below "o"]], then be say so (H)
ilko'la, state of quality what was said (H)
ilko'li, state of quality to do said (H)
ilko'lo, I told about that is the way to say (H)
ilko'na, to requested about that is the way to say (H)
ilko'no, that which I was told about that (H)
ilko'sa, indicating that which is to be to say (H)
ilko'so, state of being, having must say so (H)
ishho'ka, to speak is to show in the history (H) ^[[hō'kās (K)]]
ishho'ko, to speaking relating from history (H)
iska'na, you did told, say so (H)
iska'ni, you said first (H)
iska'no, I satisfy you already being said (H)
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975 ^[[-4]]
oñgā'cok, it howled or said there(26)
monka, said (H) ^[[îstîm'oñka (K)]]
monka tih, say (H)
monkaia, saying (H)
monko, say so (H)
monkayuk, it is said (H)
monkobi monko, say no (H) ^[[moñkōs (K)]]
nasot monka, to say something (H)
nā'siko, not saying (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nasikko, not to say (H)
ma monka, to say often (H)
nasi iska, sahmiska, what you say? or say? ^[[nas îs'ka,sa'mîska' (K)]]
monka tih, has said (H)
monka, he said (H)
mạ'ñgok, he said that (161)

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics -done *some handwriting is not marked -done ȧ ạ ā ä ē é ê è ӗ ḣ î ī ï ł ⁿ ñ ṉ ō ǒ ọ ô ū û ŭ ü ẋ χ ‘ ’ ³ ᵋ *there was one line missing on card 974, added it