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980 ^[[-3]]
^[[tcînkȧ'lîn înkas (K) I give you + you give him]]
ga, to give
holî'sîtạlā'tōn ê^[[a]]^[[‿]]ñgale', I give the book to him
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] añgạte', [[strikethrough]]he[[/strikethrough]] give[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] ^[[me]] the book^[[!]] [[strikethrough]]to me[[strikethrough]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] tciñkalo', I---------you ^[[the book]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] îñkạlite', I---------^[[gave]] [[strikethrough]]them[[/strikethrough]]-him ^[[b [[?]] (yes)]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] hatciñkalo', I---------^[[just gave]] you ^[[all [[?]] ]] [[strikethrough]](and?) I-them[[/strikethrough]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] tcîñkalîn ahisko', [[strikethrough]]you are giving--to me[[/strikethrough]] ^[[I give you + you give me]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] tcîñkalîn îñka', [[strikethrough]]you-------him[[/strikethrough]] ^[[I give (to) you to give to him]]
" [[ditto for: holî'sîtạlā'tōn]] îñkatạnole', ^[[give them all to him]] [[strikethrough]]you[[/strikethrough]]---------them
^[[tc]]ihîlkạ'n îñka', [[circled]]we are giving it to them[[/circled]] ^[[we give you to give to him]]
tci'ñkalîn îñka, [[strikethrough]]we[[/strikethrough]]----------------you ^[[I give you to give to him]]
[[strikethrough]]tcîhạtạplêlo', I hit you[[/strikethrough]]
^[[tcînkalînȧñka', I give you + you give me (A + K)]]
[[end page]]

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981 ^[[-4]]
inka'na, to give in or not? (H)
inka'ni, let giving first (H)
inka'no, pleasing to, agreeable, given already (H)
inka'pa, to partly give (H)
inka'pi, try to give (H)
inka'po, to part to give (H)
inka'sa, indicating that who does being give (H)
inka'si, to give at the time(H)
inka'so, give it all he has (H)
inka'ta, now is to share or give (H)
inka'ti, he give to (H)
inka't[[macron below "o"]], he had already given then (H)
inko'ch[[macron below "a"]]', inko'ch[[macron below "i"]], look a there! something has done it, or to give something a wrong person (H) ^[[îñka'nko' (K)]]
inko'la, to give on time to time (H)
inko'li, to requested about know, to give or not (H)
inko'lo, he give it all right (H)
inko'ma, indicating look! what he give (H)
inko'mo, whenever to give (H)
inko'na, to let have it or not? (H)
inko'no, I satisfy done give it (H) ^[[(+K)]]
inko'ta, anytime to giving (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
982 ^[[-5]]
inko'ti, be ready on (H)
inko'to, be a giver then, he get ready then (H)
ạkon ma'tạñka', throw (or give) that one to me! (034) ^[[akûn matȧ'ñks (K)]]
mataⁿhickā'mok, if you give him to me (034) ^[[(+K)]]
ahoga', give to me! (let them give to me?) (045) ^[[ahō'ks]]
na'somahi'katoha', it would not give him any (066) ^[[(+K)]]
ahi'kûtik, is going to be given to me (083) ^[[(+K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
-ka, imperative or optative
ạ'ñgạt tipatok[[macron below "a"]]' ^[[s (K)]], feed me! ^[[(+K)]]
djigīhoga', sit down! (or let them sit down!) (68) ^[[tcîkē'hûks (K)]]
a'pîktạtoka', put it in! (69) ^[[ałhō's (K)]]
ona'ditoka', put some fire under! (69) ^[[ona'tîtûks (K)]]