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1007 ^[[-1]]
kạ'nạtlō'cît, having moved a little (20) ^[[halā'ẋkasis (K)]]
itiñkanạ'ikạn, (water) divided, (water) moved apart (65)
kạnạ 'lit, they moved (154) 
itinkannotli, apart (H) ^[[îtiⁿhaila'ẋka (K) or îtînfîlkō'ẋka (K)]]
mat itinkanahli, to come apart ^[[matîtîm fîlkō'ẋka (K)]]
ittinkkannahli, at some distance
onkonnotli, apart from me (H) ^[[ahalā'ẋtc (K)]]
^[[maly kans good [[?]] ]] aistsih konko, deadly poison (H) ^[[aîsî kȧ'nko (A + K)]]
kan'na, to move, in motion, to act to move (H)
kanuthh (or kanutlih), move (H)
kanutlihchih, to move to (H)
kanutlit nakahla, to move away from (H) ^[[halā'kȧt nȧkā'ła (K)]]
kunut ayah, moving about (H) ^[[kȧnt aya (K)]]
kanut ahla, movement (H)
kanahlihchih, movable (H) ^[[hala halî (K)]]
nas holba iskunali, moving picture (H) ^[[nas îstaholîlîtcî (K)]]
i'ñkạnai'li, parting in hair (?) (0130) ^[[îtînfilȧa'mî (K)]]
iñkạnai'li'lok, she parted it (hair) (0131) ^[[ [[?]] muns away]]
iñkạnai'lok, she parted it (0131)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1008 ^[[-2]]
ohê'ñgạ'nalō'cî, ^[[to'ban]] [[strikethrough]] let [[/strikethrough]] the^[[y]] move^[[d]] it ^[[his]] way a little!^[[some]] (16)
iñgạnạtlekạctō'bạn, he took him a way a little (025)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1009 ^[[-3]]
āñgā'naholō'si, move (it) my way a little^[[!]] (15) ^[[ahalā'ẋkȧstok (K)]]
ohîñgạna’'lîn, when they moved it his way (16)
ạñgạ'nạhole', move (it) my way! (16)
[[macron below "i"]]ka'no, to share already, to supply already (H) ^[[(+K)]]
? ishtinkanakachi, attachment (H) ^[[îstîhalā'ẋka (K)]]
inkanalichih, siding (H)
itiñkạna'kạn, it divided (moved apart) (02)
iñgạnā'tlemokotoha', did not take him away (did not move him) (024)?
kạna'χlok, he moved camp (0101)
kạnạtle'tcok, he moved (0127)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1010 ^[[-1]]
kạno', good ^[[(+K)]]
kanossihchih, fine (H) ^[[(+K)]]
[[strikethrough]]ka[[/strikethrough]] nas kahnoma, [[strikethrough]] finest, [[/strikethrough]] finery (H), ^[[something fine]] ^[[(K)]], fineness (H) 
pa kanochih, fineness, finery (H) ^[[make good on top as if pressed (K)]]
mȧkanō'chih, fine (H) ^[[(+K)]] 
mokkanoyallichih, finable (H) ^[[(+K)]]
kanno fehna, very fine (H)
kanno fihtiko, not very fine (H) ^[[kȧnō' fî'ntîko (K)]]
akkulu chitchubba konnoa^[[ᵋ]], there is a fine horse (H) ^[[(+K)]]
kaputta ishto numi konno, a fine suit (H) ^[[holî'kfa tcûba îstanā'mi (K)]]
isha konno, a fine horse (house?) (H)
ankoshin im aliyan ishtank kahnoh chollu, I like to visit my aunt (H) ^[[amîck'ōsî îmalē'ya îstȧ'h ka hȧtcō's (K]]
^[[-?]]oyibat nihta kanko, a foul day (H) ^[[oyibȧ't nîcla kȧnko fanihōs (K)]]
kanoyalli, highly (H)
ishtinkahno, highly (H)
kahnoma, highness (H)

Transcription Notes:
*needs diacritics - done ȧ ạ ā ä ē é ê è ӗ ḣ î ī ï ł ⁿ ñ ṉ ō ǒ ọ ô ū û ŭ ü ẋ χ ‘ ’ ³ ᵋ *needs handwriting - done *needs end/start page notations - done